Fueled by Animosity

Nosferatu indulged in the sweetness of life.

Relief shone on his distorted face as the intangible fiend stole the vitality of another dying puelmer!

The mutilated alien that had been hanging on a meathook did not offer much resistance against Nosferatu's attack.

Though the condemned puelmer had no idea what was happening to him, his resistance quickly ceased when he felt that he was moving closer towards death.

After losing an internal power struggle and seeing his own compatriots feed on his own flesh, the puelmer crew member did not want to prolong his torture any further.

All he wished for at this point was to end his suffering and to pray for revenge against the puelmers who ultimately betrayed him and let him down!


The puelmer was too weak to speak more alien words, but he hoped that his words or the emotions behind them was enough to send the right across.