Khamatar Reign

Ves had witnessed numerous impressive MTA warships in the past.

The one that stuck out the most to him was the Antazella de Osiris.

Ves took an admiring look at the augmented and corrected view of the starship where the conference was held.

The research battlecarrier de facto functioned as a seat of an MTA Master for good reasons. She possessed all of the amenities that a mech designer in the field required while also possessing formidable offensive and defensive capabilities.

Her expansive mech capacity along with her battleship-grade gun batteries enabled her to fight against a varied range of enemy craft and vessels all by herself!

The existence of such a comprehensive capital ship signified that Ves might not be the only daredevil of a mech designer in human society.

The mechers also yearned to explore the less well-known parts of space!