The Viability of a Plan

Different from the dour and depressing proposal presented by the Xenotechnician, the alternative presented by the Mace of Retaliation made many of the attendees excited!

The thought of modifying the greater beyonder gate to launch daring deep strike raids to the hinterland of alien space caused everyone to become hot-blooded!

Why should red humans bow down to reality and seek to compromise with their enemies?

Wouldn't it be better to maintain their principles and retaliate against the aliens in the most effective way possible?

This was exactly the kind of plan that a fearless and domineering god pilot would come up with! It was a way for red humanity to fight against the aliens on its terms.

Ves could already see that much of the younger people in the crowd had become swayed by the bold and unrelenting vision of the Fist of Defiance. Their blood ran so hot that they could not wait to contribute to this enormous undertaking!