Attacking a God Pilot

"Well, that's it about the Diplomacy Plan." Ves concluded his perspective on the Xenotechnician's proposal. "Given how terrible it is, you might assume that I wholeheartedly embraced the Deep Strike Plan. You would be wrong. It is marked by its own flaws. As a plan devised by a god pilot, it should be no surprise that it is just a more sophisticated way of telling everyone to go out and kill as many aliens as possible. The only clever parts about it is that it provides incentives for people to play along and adds a strategic outlook that seeks to strike where the aliens are weak. Other than that, this plan rests on incredibly shaky grounds. It relies on assumptions that might not come true, such as being able to convert the greater beyonder gate into a deep strike delivery mechanism."

After more than an hour of explaining his thoughts in a remarkably candid manner, his lecture had thoroughly shocked his audience.