Explosion of Strength

Ves could not guarantee that he possessed the ability to induce a breakthrough on demand.

He had taken a major gamble by employing his transcendence glow on Major Jankowski.

Though the mech officer was in a better condition to accomplish a breakthrough due to the fact that he was fully invested in a battle against a superior opponent, his talent and mentality were not that great!

Simon Jankowski had much better chances of breaking through when he was decades younger and still retained a lot of confidence and optimism in himself.

This was the prime age bracket for any breakthroughs!

Any mech pilot that failed to break past their mortal limits in their twenties and thirties usually had no chance of defying their fates in the remainder of their careers.

The proportion of mech pilots breaking through when they were in their 50's, 60's and older was depressingly miniscule!