New Calendar

If Gavin asked whether Ves could fabricate a masterwork version of the Fey Project immediately after the death of the Elemental Lord, then he would definitely receive a negative response!

The loss of his previous Elemental Lord had left a deep scar in Ves' heart.

Although his most recent talk with his mother had successfully distracted him from this loss, Ves still felt a bit of apprehension at the thought of fabricating another mech so soon.

Even if Ves was willing to stay honest and fabricate an unadulterated version of the Elite Edition of the Fey Project, he still felt repulsed at the thought of doing so. It felt too much like attempting to fabricate an inferior substitute to the Elemental Lord.

How could Ves possibly create a masterwork mech when his mood was still affected by the trauma of his most recent loss?