The Sad Lives of Rubarthan Princes

"Your Creation Association has helped many struggling artists and craftsmen." Prince Casevir sincerely praised Ves. "If it was not confined to the middle zones of the Red Ocean Union, I may have already paid a visit to one of its branches. However, I am no longer a student. I am an accomplished artist myself. There is a fine line between learning and imitation. How can I keep my head high if the only reason that I am able to progress my art is because I took lessons from a mech designer who started out as a lowly third-rater and is more than half my age? I would become a laughing stock among my peers!"

Ves furrowed his brows. He was pretty sure that he and Vulcan could provide helpful guidance to the Impresario Prince, but the man was so damn prideful and stubborn that he refused to accept his help!

He would love nothing more than to take out his Hammer of Brilliance and whack the Rubarthan Prince in the head.