Unnatural Reproduction

Ves became thoroughly impressed by Alexa Streon's ideas.

She did not let him down at all. Alexa studied him carefully over the months, and clearly adopted a number of his best practices.

His design philosophy, his values, his work approach and above all his courage all became objects of study to her. This encouraged her to show less restraint in her work.

The Project S1 and the Project S2 both contained a lot of subversive elements as a result!

Though the two mech designs contained a lot of extremes that might cause a lot of mech pilots to be taken aback, Ves believed that there should definitely be people who appreciated the value that her design philosophy could bring to the table.

Adding procreation and inheritance to living mechs might not be everyone's cup of tea, but he believed that there was definitely a market for this sort of product.