The Power of Deception

The production of the Standard Edition of the Fey Fianna expanded quickly. Isthmus Manufacturing was responsible for much of it as the massive Rubarthan company decisively capitalized on the huge demand for this prominent hyper drone mech model.

A lot of orders got fulfilled in the first few months after the official release of the Fey Fianna.

Many customers received their orders so quickly that they had yet to hire enough drone mech specialists to pilot these new machines.

However, it turned out that general mech pilots could make use of the Fey Fianna as well. Their skill and proficiency in controlling the fey might not be great at the start, but the living personalities that were inherent to them made the process of micromanaging them a lot easier!

The much shallower learning curve of the Fey Fianna helped to speed up their adoption. They started to show up on the battlefield a lot faster as a result!