An Unprecedented Tranformation

The Yuri Machine was horrifying on many levels.

Ves had always designed his mechs to serve as a partner and a friend to their mech pilots.

The Ultimatum was no exception to this rule. Though he liked to be adventurous now and then, he never joked around whenever he designed a mass production mech.

He tried his best to not incorporate any extreme experimental technologies in the products meant to be sold and utilized by the public.

This was also one of the reasons why he designed the Transcendent Punisher Mark III at the same time as the Supremo Project as it was known at the time.

The Transcendent Punisher Mark III was not only a lot more powerful due to being a quasi-first-class transphasic hyper mech, but also contained a few experimental features such as the Divine Foresight Mark I Neural Interface.

The latter would never be allowed on a commercial mech as it put into question the long-standing notion that mechs were always safe to pilot.