Worthless Humans

The new wind blowing in the Transhumanist Faction had massive implications for Ves. The policies supported by the Evolution Witch were drastically different from that of the Chosen Human.

One of them was a born miracle, a potentate who held the unbroken record for possessing the most optimal genetic aptitude that humanity had ever measured. Despite his immense privileges, he never rested on his laurels and worked hard to realize his amazing potential for the good of the human race.

The other was a woman who had risen up from a life of struggle and adversity. She was a pilot who had been perpetually locked in a struggle against death. She overcame her many congenital flaws and evolved past all of them through sheer grit and determination. The force of evolution literally represented a newer and better life to her, and she grew eager to spread its bounty to the rest of the population.

Ves felt torn between the two faction leaders.