The New Guests

Solus Gas merited a lot of investigation, but it took time to organize a decent expedition to the Reticula Corein System where it had been discovered.

After Ves passed on his instructions, he let this matter be and directed his attention towards other affairs.

There was not much point in formulating his mech concept and coming up with a draft design when he was not sure what sort of support mech he could make. Everything depended on the properties of Solus Gas that routinely spurted out of the surface of Reticula Corein V before sinking back down in the ground again.

The only instance that gave him pause was the strong urge to investigate the planet. He even felt tempted to take a trip to the Torald Middle Zone himself in order to conduct a first-hand investigation!

That was crazy of course. Ves had become a high-value target to any cosmopolitan or other assassin who wanted to get into the good books of the Red Cabal.