Estaban Leeds

With three major appointments in his schedule, Ves became busier than ever.

He was not able to devote as much time to overcome the many design challenges of the Dark Zephyr Mark III Project, but it was not as if Gloriana noticed the difference.

Ves still felt bad about slowing down his other projects such as the much-anticipated upgrade of the Valkyrie Redeemer line. He was so enthused about all of the possibilities and features that he intended to introduce to this popular Hexer mech that he wanted to delight its fans as quickly as possible. Postponing its anticipated release by a few weeks would be a letdown to many people.

The price of delaying the release of the next iteration of the Valkyrie Redeemer was not that big, though.

Botching the public inquiry on the safety of living mechs was much more catastrophic for his future prospects!