Tearing Away the Veil

Ves and his advisors had analyzed their opposition. They predicted many possible strategies that their adversaries might use to halt the momentum of living mechs.

Yet despite all of their brainstorming, none of them predicted that the Red Fleet, or at least a faction of it, would dare to tear away the veil of secrecy and shine a light onto one of the darkest events of human history!

Before Astrid could casually reveal other buried secrets that lots of leaders had endeavored to hide, Governor Mergan-Castelaus activated a command that forcefully dampened the sound in the speaking pit.

The public inquiry had barely managed to get going before it already went off the rails!

In fact, the governor should have muffled the lieutenant-commander sooner, but for whatever reason he allowed the woman to expose just enough to recontextualize Ves in a much more awful light!