Distorted Retelling

Ves quietly groaned and palmed his face.

He could visibly feel the shift in how people looked at him. The more Astrid revealed the hidden history of his mother, the more his public image became tarnished!

As the devious fleeter continued to narrate an unofficial biography of the woman known as Cultmaster Original Sin, it had become very clear now what the opposition sought to accomplish.

Not only was Astrid able to give a rich illustration of why red humanity needed to guard against cultivators, she also sought to pass on all of the cultmaster's dirty water onto her son!

This was an exceptionally cruel and outrageous strategy towards its intended target!

The only reason why Ves had yet to feel angry was because he was too damn shocked at what he learned!

Though Veronica had been living alongside Cynthia for many months, the latter had never really shared any information about her mysterious past!