Patience and Forbearance

"I really like living mechs, but I don't know whether I should buy them if they are based on dangerous technology."

"Professor Larkinson played us all for fools. For years, he pretended to be a mech designer, when he was actually so much more. His mother taught him well. Not only did she teach him her magic, but she also passed on her ability to infiltrate a community, only to betray it and make off with all of the spoils!"

"The more I heard about cultivation, the more I think it is evil. There are people who claim that cultivation is not all that bad, but to me it is little different from giving everyone a weapon of mass destruction. It doesn't matter if 99 out of 100 people possess enough restraint and sanity to keep their superweapons under lock and key. It only takes a single madman with no care to destroy an entire city or planet!"