Preferred Planets

Ves had to remain in the auction house for the rest of the day in order to handle and supervise the massive transactions.

The legal department of the Larkinson Clan had to work at full capacity in order to tackle the enormous workload, and even then it was not enough. The Larkinsons had to enlist the aid of additional law firms in order to comply with all of the laws of different states and organizations.

The work was incredibly tedious, but necessary. Everything had to be exactly correct in order to transfer ownership of billions if not trillions of MTA credits worth of stuff. No one involved wanted to suffer unexpected losses or get dragged into disputes due to ambiguity and mistakes.

Fortunately, a lot of the first-class legal experts were fully up to the task. The lawyers in the employ of Estaban Leeds had facilitated a lot of similar transactions in the past, so they were able to speed up the process by a huge extent.