Subjugation Comes

Normal storm clouds did not make faces.

In fact, even tribulation storm clouds did not make faces.

Ves had experienced enough of them to know that aside from raining down much more powerful and exotic lightning strikes than usual, the storm clouds did not look all that differently.

What happened on this fateful day utterly defied his expectations and put him on a collision course with an alien being of unimaginable power.

Ves could not imagine the immense amount of power and mastery required to reach across a huge amount of light-years and directly insert a part of one's consciousness into a distant tribulation storm!

He was pretty sure that no True God was capable of this astonishing feat.

No matter whether they were god pilots, Star Designers, sword gods, qi cultivators and so on, Ves seriously doubted whether any of them had the ability to impose their strength onto a tribulation storm of all things!