Lighting the Spark

Ves shouldn't have been surprised that the living spark turned out to be a clone of the maker of the Fire Scroll.

He was a bit amazed at how the fleeters did not destroy this insanely dangerous threat, but instead kept it dormant while using it as a power source for their experimental dreadnoughts.

This sounded as stupid as Ves capturing an old enemy like the Saint Jeremiah Gauge, putting him in a coma before stuffing him in the power reactor of the First Sword!

Sure, Ves might be able to make the expert swordsman mech extremely powerful as a result, but a stunt like this was just begging to trigger a calamity as soon as a dreadnought suffered an unfortunate accident!

The fleeters must have been really desperate to develop a direct counter to god mechs. There was no other justification for them to override their own rules and principles and toy with the legacy of one of the most dangerous cultivators that humanity had indirectly fought against.