Spoiled Good

Ves would be lying if he said he wasn't afraid of the Mech Designer System.

Similar to the legendary Sacred Scrolls, it had probably been engineered this way in order to serve a specific purpose.

The only purpose that made sense to Ves given the available context was to engineer the revival of a Progenitor of Mechs!

Ves had seen enough fantasy dramas in his youth to know how such a story was supposed to unfold. He was supposed to unwittingly use the System to such an extent that it gained enough power and resources to realize its ultimate goal.

At that time, the System should turn against Ves and reveal that it had molded him into the perfect vessel of its true master!

Once the System brought a sliver of the Progenitor of Mechs back to life, possibly with the help of Ves' own design philosophy, the resurrected cultivator would immediately inhabit the nearest available vessel.