Live to Serve

Ves received daily updates about the Larkinson Biotech Institute's research into the remains of the Emperor Tree.

The enthusiastic research teams managed to produce a lot of empirical data and derive all kinds of interesting conclusions from their analyses.

The Larkinsons understood more and more about the Emperor Tree and how calamity plants worked in general.

The Larkinson Biotech Institute flourished as many scientists made amazing discoveries that enriched the clan's biotech capabilities.

Vice Director Maria Abselon even took advantage of the attractiveness of the remains of the Emperor Tree by using it as a selling point in her recruitment pitches.

By promising newcomers the opportunity to conduct their own private research on the many samples of Emperor Wood, she successfully managed to hire over a dozen first-class biotech scientists hailing from the Terran Alliance, the Rubarthan Pact and other first-rate colonial states.