Profligate Energy Spending

As the thorns spread across the forest environment sucked the energies of all of the surrounding trees to the point where they had nothing left to donate, the Elegant Rage became drunk with stolen power!

Aside from repairing her broken tonfa, the Elegant Rage also expended a lot of wood energy to spontaneously grow a lot of new thorns across her mech frame.

The ones made of improved ebony wood grew the fastest, while the ones that were meant to be made out of second-class alloys took a lot more time to take on their final shapes.

Regardless, as soon as the Elegant Rage managed to regrow most of her thorns, she immediately launched them out with far greater force than previously!

Even though a lot of thorns ended up crashing into areas that had already been drained of life, there were still a lot more thorns that managed to traverse much longer trajectories before they landed on the ground.