A New Collaborator

Ves patiently listened to Sigrund present a wish list of items that the Red Fleet wanted to pass.

The policy proposals that the Red Fleet wished to realize in the remaining sessions of the Interim Leadership Council sounded predictable for the most part.

The fleeters advocated for greater restraint and enforcement towards cultivators. They were a potential source of instability that could explode and damage a lot of innocent people if left unchecked.

Although the fleeters were no longer as gung ho about abolishing cultivators as before, the faction led by Fleet Admiral Amelie Jameson had not lost that much power. There were still plenty of fleeters who feared the consequences of letting space peasants get their hands on way too much power than they 'deserved', whatever that meant.

Once Sigrund was done with making an appeal on behalf of the Red Fleet, Ves responded with a noncommittal answer.