A Cleansing Light

So far, none of the attacks launched by the expert mechs had stuck.

The armored phase lord was not particularly agile or maneuverable in combat, but he was very well protected. His raiment granted him plenty of segmented azure energy shields, his spatial barrier remained fully intact and his physical armor had yet to sustain any damage.

On the flipside, the son of the Tireless Engine was unable to land any effective blows on the expert mechs either.

The phase lord's inherent physique and weapon choice made it very difficult for L'Koi to attack enemies harassing him from the sides or rear.

Sure, he was able to generate spatial hazards that constantly weakened the resonance shields of the circling expert mechs, but that was the extent of his efforts.

Occasionally, his armored legs attempted to kick out, but the expert pilots were way too sharp and alert for attacks like that to get struck.