Ves the Necromancer

"That… sounds hard to believe." Saint Casella slowly said after Ves shared a vague retelling of a meeting with Imon's 'soul'. "I mean, you have made so many outlandish and groundbreaking claims. A special relic, the power of death, violating fundamental taboos…"

"It is true, though." The spiritual manifestation of Ves spoke inside the cockpit of the dormant Minerva. "Everything I have said is truthful from my perspective. Sure, my understanding of reality is anything but perfect, but I have been nothing but frank to the two of you. Believe me or not, I have eventually managed to preserve a semblance of Imon Ingvar."



The two ace pilots struggled to accept what Ves had done. He made so many outlandish claims that it sounded as if he had been practicing an obscure form of voodoo magic instead of anything related to rational science and technology.