Whispering Willow

The juregs had only temporarily vacated their greater phase lords and other strategic assets from the New Cartagena System.

They stayed away just long enough to confirm that the Light of Sol was no longer heading in their direction anymore. The god pilot tried to be as unpredictable as possible in where he showed up, but he could not afford to spend so much time on traveling when he could be demolishing alien armadas left and right.

It was a constant game of cat-and-mouse.

There were times where the Light of Sol managed to beat the predictions of his opponents and manage to slay greater phase lords that were originally used to hold back human senior ace pilots.

There were other times where the Light of Sol arrived in a star system where the aliens only left a token force behind. The Red Cabal managed to fool the god pilot by projection convincing illusions, causing the local humans to feed false intelligence to the god pilot.