Contributors At Risk

On the date of the departure, Ves bid goodbye to his wife and children before he reluctantly left them in order to go on a life-changing business trip.

According to his schedule, the magnitude of the events that he intended to participate in was just as massive and impactful as the events that took place on his last travels.

The good news was that these major events were a lot more foreseeable this time. Ves did not expect to encounter too many surprises along his journey.

The bad news was that the cosmopolitans hated Ves so much that they were probably more than willing to expose their cells and burn a lot of assets just to claim his life!

Ves had done what he could to bolster the Bluejay Fleet. Shortly after he teleported to the Tarrasque, he called up a projection that showed a majestic view of the core fleet surrounded by additional warships and combat carriers loaned out by various different groups.