The Reach of Treachery

Of all of the possibilities that Ves envisioned, he never imagined that he would get confronted by a cosmopolitan in his own ranks.

Especially a cosmopolitan who plotted to work against her own ilk!

Funnily enough, Ves did not have that much trouble understanding her desire and willingness to hinder the plans of her fellow cosmopolitans.

He had colluded with one group of Fridaymen in the past for the express purpose of weakening another group of Fridaymen!

No organization was truly fully united. As long as they grew large enough, they always splintered into factions, each of them led by egotistical maniacs who thought that their vision was superior to others.

This was a little different in Ves' opinion. Perhaps the biggest difference was that the members of different cells were all strongly aligned towards diverging interpretations on how to achieve their ultimate aims.