The Oblivion Plan

Veronica carefully looked up at her mother's expression before gazing back at the Beast of Fear.

The two True Gods were not joking around. They casually shared their intentions to make the Nyxian Gap devour the surrounding star sectors while at the same time engineering the downfall of the MTA and CFA!

How the hell was Veronica supposed to proceed after finding out that her mother and an actual god pilot had gone terrorist?!

No matter their intentions, what they had in mind was bound to destabilize the Milky Way and cause a lot of deaths!

The two True Gods undoubtedly understood the potential consequences of their nefarious plan.

They simply didn't care about the death and misery that would result from their current and future actions.

How could Veronica possibly tolerate them and their mad scheme?!

While Veronica grew increasingly more outraged, her mother only grew amused at her response.