The Magic of Ultimate Modules

Ves only took a short time to come up with the concept of the Two-Step Execution Crystal, but he had already fallen in love with the idea!

Sure, the solution sounded a lot more convoluted than relying on Ylvaine's guidance to land an accurate shot at extreme ranges the first time, but it was a much better fit for the Amaranto Mark III!

Ace pilots such as Venerable Davia Stark clearly wanted to rely on nothing else but her own power and that of her battle partner.

Forcing them to beg an external party for help each time they wanted to perform a difficult action would cause their willpower to develop flaws and ultimately stagnate.

Unless Venerable Stark converted to the Ylvainan Faith or somehow triggered a massive mental shift that caused her to become a substantially different expert pilot, she would never feel comfortable with relying on outsiders for guidance.