Superdimensional Transformation

Ves and Ketis saw demoncasting in different lights.

Demoncasting presented interesting possibilities to Ves.

Sure, the description given by the System gave plenty of warnings about how dangerous it may be, but that did not deter him too much.

Ves had always equated greater risk with greater reward!

As long as he and the users of his products were strong enough to handle the risks, then they stood to gain a huge amount of power!

This was incredibly vital in this day and age. If Ves was able to employ demoncasting to upgrade his most important gear and mechs, then that would make it even better!

What was even more important to Ves was that demoncasting was apparently so rare that it was unlikely that anyone else in the Red Ocean would be able to strengthen equipment in this strange and taboo manner.

This had the makings of another monopoly!