Preparing for First-Class Combat

Now that the Amaranto Mark III had returned to their makers, she received a quick but significant overhaul.

Gloriana already prepared the plans to upgrade her to a fully fledged first-class ace mech during the design process of the current iteration. Her memories of making these preparations were still fresh, so she was able to implement many of the changes right away.

Ves meanwhile worked towards upgrading the Amaranto to a seventh generation living mech. He also made a few tweaks here and there based on his own feelings and judgment.

It did not take too long to complete upgrades due to all of the prior preparations they made. The most significant upgrade by far was the replacement of the power reactor.

Swapping out the severely underpowered second-class hyper power reactor for a genuine high-end Terran-developed hyper power reactor instantly elevated the performance of the Amaranto Mark III!