The Most Valuable Ace Pilot

Gloriana looked at the draft design that Ves presented next.

There was no obvious presence of the Minerva Mark II anymore. The ace command mech had become completely subsumed by a juggernaut-like construct that was several hundred meters tall!

The premise behind this monstrosity was relatively simple. Ves designed a series of 'mechs' that actually comprised the different limbs and sections of the juggernaut.

Unlike the puelmer elite phasefighters that were able to fight independently when they did not join together, it was clear that Ves designed each individual mech in a way that made them practically useless if they fought by themselves.

Only if they linked up with each other and wrapped up the Minerva Mark II like a protective shell would they be able to exert their true value!

Ves clearly did this because he did not have time to add dual functionality to the mechs and because he rejected the compromises that this design choice would entail.