The Star Caster

The battle turned into a different direction as soon as the Obsidian Orb opened fire.

The masterwork fortress-type superweapon was one of the sources of strength to the defenders in the Kayana System.

Its arrival was unquestioned proof that the higher ups had not forgotten about them. The Obsidian Orb may not be the most precious superweapon in the Red Ocean, but it was definitely one of few priceless war assets that the Rubarthan Pact had at its disposal!

Developed by the famous Plasma Shaper, the Obsidian Orb could easily be described as a black container for a massive hybrid energy weapon.

It was clearly designed and built to accommodate the 'Star Caster' Hyper Siege Plasma Cannon.

The Star Caster did not feature a long barrel, but its caliber was so immense that it could easily rival the famous spinal cannon of the Doom of Xenos!