Preparing the Clan

When Ves closed the deal with the Red Fleet and departed from the Babylon Excavator, he quickly sought out his wife and explained what he had done.

Different from what he predicted, his wife did not look too upset.

"There you go again making life-changing decisions that affect my work and the rest of our clan without consulting other people's opinions, most notably mine." The woman said in an exasperated voice. "Let me state that the choices you have made do not exactly align with my own preferences. It is much more beneficial to us if you chose to select 5 smart AIs that excel in research and development. We have no immediate need for smart AIs that improve our naval operations. Admiral Gori Tensen of the Bluejay Fleet is a much more reliable naval commander than the SEA SOVEREIGN, and we can employ survey ships and survey mechs to fulfill the role of the STAR WATCHER. And do not get me started on this ridiculous STARVING ARTIST."