Becoming a Pet

She needed to get away from this town. Going with them wouldn't result in anything good. She felt rather than getting help and a way home, they'd just do away with her and be done with it. The eyes of the soldiers were frost bitingly cold and screamed out a murderous promise she had no desire to test.

Spinning around, she tried to flee the way she had come, only to be blocked by a viciously thrusted spear. It was by sheer force of will, and perhaps a bit of luck, that she was able to sidestep it and head off successfully in another direction. Unfortunately, the only way she could run did not lead out of the town.

As Nastasia ran, overcome with the familiarity of pressing on even though her body didn't want to, she was grateful for her time in Track and Field. If it hadn't been for her brother appearing as if he enjoyed himself crazily while doing it, she probably never would have signed up for it in high school. After having kept with it until she graduated, her body didn't feel right unless she ran at least a few time a week. She was quite fit.

However, even with all that, her body was immensely tired and her wound pulsated pain every time her foot crushed the ground in her desperate run; draining her vitality even more. She wanted to find a place to pause and catch her breath. Yet, with the clanking of the soldiers at her back drawing closer, she didn't dare. As she ran, she would put herself through tight squeezes that were hard to follow her through, in order to gain distance. She considered even knocking over food carts, merchant stalls, or even creating disturbances with the horses she found tied up here or there.

She didn't dare!

The thought of having to compensate for the damages if she were to get caught left her head spinning and her heart beating madly out of fright. After this current venture of hers, with the amount of money she threw into it, she barely had a dime to her name. Where would she find the money to pay after getting caught? Well, at least when the townspeople got a glimpse of her, they shouted and ran making it a bit difficult for the soldiers to get by. When she looked back once she caught sight of a soldier roughly shoving a pedestrian to the ground that had gotten in the way.

Though she ran valiantly, and though she ran desperately, she might be destined for Chinese prisons. Her body was becoming sluggish the more prolonged her mad dash to escape became. She honestly felt, even if she forced it, her body would give out long before she found a way out of this crazy town that looked a throwback to some ancient time drama.

It may not have been the smartest move, but she panicked when faced with soldiers suddenly appearing ahead of her. There was a very large structure nearby -perhaps a home- with its gates left open. As she ran through she was met with an overgrown courtyard. The trees were left to grow wild, branches hanging every which way, the grass went to her knees, and the flowers and bushes were placed with no rhyme or reason.

Further in, set up by a well-kept pond, was a sight that froze Nastasia into a standstill.

Draped across a couch, as though having no worldly cares, was a white-robed man, eating dark grapes. His facial features were sharp and the skin that peeked from his gaping robe was toned, causing her to suspect the clothing to be hiding some decent abs. Her fingers twitched at the thought of wanting to touch. His long tapered fingers picked a grape up from the tray and took a bite. His tongue peeked from thin lips to lap at the juice that trailed down the corner of his mouth.

Her breath hitched, and her heartbeat quickened, as her eyes followed his tongue.

This man was decadent sin, itself! Simply demonic! How dare this guy drape himself about, tempting innocent girls into sin!

Clank, clank, clank!

Her body jumped in shock and her eyes widened in fear. That man was dangerous! He stole her soul and made her forget she was being chased to death. However, even if he were a demonic creature, he was better than the murderous soldiers.

Striding forward, she begged him earnestly. "I don't know if you can understand what I'm saying, but please let me hide here. Don't tell them I came this way." With a nod in his direction, she moved to find a good place to hide.

Before she even took a step his hand grabbed her wrist, yanking her on to this lap. Startled she looked up at him, ready to fight her way out if need be. Yet such thoughts choked up before they could even be realized. She had never seen such a pretty eye before. Her fingers reached up to touch it in wonder. This enchanting man sported one eye that was a dark inky ebony and one that was a clear, clean, and beautiful ruby.

"Beautiful..." she breathed.

The man caught her hand right before her fingertips made contact. His brow wrinkled as if he were trying to grasp at something. His gaze shifted from her face to somewhere off to the side. His head tilted and his lips drew to a deep frown and then pinched in annoyance.

Huh? Did she do something to offend this demonic beauty? She couldn't recall it, but it left her worried. After all, she had just been attacked by the locals and chased by spear carting soldiers. If this beauty decided to turn on her, there wasn't much she could do. Her body was already beyond the limit it could handle.

The Demonic Beauty gave a sharp curt nod before he again came to focus on her. That eye was really beautiful, but she had no time to fully admire it. Although that was true, she was once again thwarted in her attempt to pull away. Instead, she was made to lay with him against the couch, draped just as lazily as she had first seen him.

One arm snaked around her waist to hold her in place while another reached over to grab a grape. He then placed it at her lips. Startled, Nastasia's eyes flew up to his, only to receive a sultry half grin and an insisting gaze.

'Hey, hey... just what is this guy wanting to do!?' She felt her face heat up over the intimate actions. She really wanted to ask, but there was no way they'd understand one another even if she tried.

Definitely, once she was through with all of this, she was going to take up learning Chinese. Never had she felt so helpless in her life!

Clank, clank, clank.

The soldiers came piling in, though they held a more subdued air compared to the outright murderous intent when they had been chasing her. The same soldier that had demanded -or at least she believed so- her surrender stepped forward. He glanced at her with a vicious gaze before turning to look at the demonic beauty that held her captive. He knelt on one knee and cupped his fists, speaking a few words. The soldiers at his back followed suit and silently mimicked the head soldier.

The enchantingly beautiful man paid the soldier no mind, treating his existence as air. Instead, he continued to coax her into eating the grape he held at her lips.

Suddenly enlightened, Nastasia felt that perhaps this demonic guy was trying to help her out of this mess. Slanting a glance at the kneeling soldiers and their air of apprehension, it was easy to see that this sinful beauty was of a higher status when compared to them.

Having quickly made her decision Nastasia dutifully ate the grape from his fingers, licking the tips in the processes. This demonic beauty gave off the feeling of decadent sin that held no cares to worldly things, dragging everything underneath his own pace. So why not copy the atmosphere and lend to it. To play her role aptly she'd pay greater attention to both the body and face in order to better chose her next course of action.

As she bit down her eyes widened in shock. She didn't really like gapes, but these dark grapes of his tasted heavenly. They were the perfect balance of sweet flavor with a hint of sour. She really wished that she had the ability to ask for more.

His eyes held satisfaction as his lips upturned dotingly. He used his thumb to wipe her lips before passing her another. After she took it with same lascivious movements as before, he forced her lay against his chest.

The expression on his face shifted to a bitingly cold sneer as he finally acknowledged the soldiers kneeling at his feet. His ruby eye held a queer light and his voice lacked all emotion. His overall dominating presence brought a cold chill to their hearts.

"这位王子想知道白将军带我回家的紧迫性是什么?(This prince wonders what urgency has brought General Bai to walk my home unannounced?)"

While facing the ground the general sneered with disdain whilst his eyes held contempt. Even so, his voice remained respectful. "对不起殿下, (My apologies, your Highness,)" General Bai began, "我们担心你的生活在红色恶魔的手中,所以- (we feared for your life at the hands of the Red Demon, and so-)"

The demonic beauty snorted with amusement, effectively cutting off the general's poor excuse. "必要,(Unnecessary,)" the beauty responded lazily. His lips then pulled off a seductive grin as he pinched Nastasia's chin to have her look up at him. "恶魔是这个王子的宠物,对吗,亲爱的?(The demon is this prince's pet, isn't that right, my dear?)"

Right away Nastasia understood, by the way his gaze implored her, he was questioning her something. Since she was pretty sure this demonic beauty was aware of their differences in language, the question could only be the sort with a yes or no answer. She stared at him a moment to try and see if his face held any hint to the type of answer she should give.

Thinking she understood, hoping that this answer would be the correct one, she nodded her head in acceptance.