Hui Se Ying's First Plot

It's been two months since she fell into this world. It's been one month since returning to Li Yu Rong's home after facing that debacle at the palace. During this time one thing after another began to pile up in front of her, screaming that this was not her world.

Perhaps she had been a bit in denial, but until she left Li Yu Rong's large home and saw that huge ancient city with its large Palace at its back, she was a bit skeptical about the thought of another world. For most, perhaps the mythical creatures would have been the clue in, but for Nastasia it was the many ancient-looking locations that finally convinced her. That Li Yu Rong and Paoxiao could kill without the other's raising protest or for a group like the police to come knocking also helped in this regard.

Growing up with tales of Irish folklore, mythology, and a mother that wholeheartedly swore to the existence of faeries, it was easy to accept the strange creatures that ran about as fact. Nastasia -the childish part of her- always felt that, "the Good Neighbors," or "the Little Darlings," as her mother would call them could very well exist but had yet to be found.

There were also the Russian mythical creatures that her father and grandfather would speak tale of whenever her mother fell into one of her storytelling moods; to make sure their Russian lore was also heard.

So, having all the facts before her, she could no longer turn her eyes from this truth. Getting home was probably going to be a rather difficult effort. None-the-less, Nastasia was determined. Remembering that man who spoke English, she had painted several copies of his likeness, storing them away carefully. This past month, all her free time was dedicated to picking up on the language spoken here; the Chinese she still kicked herself for not learning.

Forcing herself to speak even though her sentences were dreadful while having others to correct the errors in her speech along with pointing to things and drawings to learn more words that could not be easily explained. Nastasia was able to finally make good progress. Although she was still rough and still had to be corrected, she could both carry on a conversation as well as understand most of what was being said around her.

Satisfied with her level of understanding, when Nastasia woke that morning she was prepared to speak with Li Yu Rong to trade information about how she got to this town and where to go from here.

Too excited to finally have a better understanding of the world around her, she left in search of Li Yu Rong without changing from her bedclothes. Were this a normal place she would have received odd stares from the few she would pass occasionally, however those of the Spirit Realm were quite liberal in how they dressed.

So they took her choice as her choice and thought nothing of it.

Hmm... Nastasia, though still quite excited, felt herself cool down about it after her reckless running about produced no signs of Li Yu Rong. All the places she usually found him had been checked with no signs of his presence. Drawing to a paused, she considered all the places she knew about in this large house of his, but after coming up empty she decided that he must have left.

Though it was rare for him to leave, he did so occasionally.

Just as she was about to give in for the moment one of his subordinates suddenly appeared at her side. "What are you running about for?"

"Hui Se Ying!" The abrupt sound and appearance gave her a start that she yelped his name upon recognizing his face. As this was someone that was usually around Li Yu Rong, she asked. "Did Li Yu Rong leave? I can't trick him."

"I can't find him." He corrected her on reflex. She had the right idea but pronounced the zhǎo as zhāo. A peculiar light, going unnoticed, entered his eyes as he answered her without giving away anything unusual. "Hmm... well it's a place you haven't gone yet, so I'll lead the way partially. At a certain point, I'm not allowed to enter."

Hui Se Ying lead her along a path she had not seen before that lead all the way to the back of the estate. It was a place even more overgrown than the gardens at the front of the estate. As they walked deeper in it became rather silent, as if they were the only two upon the path. Being that since quite a bit back she had not seen another creature or servant, the thought was probably true.

Pointing at the path, Hui Se Ying said. "This is as far as I go. Keep on this path and don't wander. You'll come across him soon." That done, he quickly fled with a large grin splitting his face. He couldn't help but wonder if his master would be happy or angry with his meddling.

Nodding, she turned down the pointed way, the dark atmosphere causing her to be a bit cautious. The further she went, the warmer the temperature became. Soon, there was a bit of steam rising that could be seen through the gaps in the overgrown plants that blocked off the path ahead.

As she pressed through the foliage she almost slipped and fell into the spring laid out before her. After righting herself, Nastasia looked up only to find a sight that paralyzed her. Throat running dry as she tried to swallow, her brain ceased to function as her mouth could only form an unintelligible squeak.

Li Yu Rong stood in the middle of the hot spring and although his lower half was hidden in the unclear water, his well-defined chest was quite open to her eyes. At first, he seemed stunned to see her, but quickly his eyes began to laugh at her as a teasing and seductive grin spread across his lips.

"I wonder what my pet has come here to do, dressed like this?" He always called her "chong'er," and as of yet, she hadn't found anyone who could tell her what the term meant. After he spoke, he began to move toward her. Every step revealed more and more to her eyes.

Face changing between three shades of red, Nastasia began to panic. It's not like this was the first time she had seen a naked man; she was from a more modern world after all. However, the atmosphere around him caused a strange feeling to rise in her chest as her heart beat a painfully speedy melody the closer he got and the more he revealed.

Unable to handle any more she tried to retreat back the way she came. If she had known he was bathing here she never would have come to interrupt it! That Hui Se Ying, once she found him she was going to-

Her foot slipped, sending her to ungracefully tumble into the hot spring.

Rushing forward, Li Yu Rong caught her before she fell into the water head first. Bringing her up against his naked flesh, he brought wet fingertips down her check that was speckled with water droplets. "Are you trying to tempt me, pet?" He asked as he brought his forehead against hers.

She didn't know the word "gōuyǐn(tempt/seduce)," but none-the-less she quickly shook her head as her mind worked quickly to find an escape route. The robe she was wearing was quite thin and now that it was wet, it was practically nonexistent. It was almost like they were pasted together flesh against flesh.

"I-I-I..." she wanted to say that she had only come looking for him that they might be able to discuss things now that she understood the language well enough, but the words stuttered and fizzled out as she tried to say them. It didn't help that as she tried to speak, Li Yu Rong drew his fingers down her cheek, down her chin and then down her neck intimately.

"When someone is making you uncomfortable, do it back to them ten times worse so they'll stop." The words her elder sister had once said crossed her mind and though she knew it was terrible advice to give, her flailing thoughts clutched onto it. If she weren't so panicked, she would recall that these words were also told to the eight-year-old her. In this heated situation between men and women, such actions would be like adding oil to fire.

Taking her hands to trail down his abs, she pressed in slightly, hoping the action would unsettle him enough to let her go. Instead, his other hand caught hers up in a grip, as he brushed his lips against her cheek to whisper in her ear. "Are you inviting me to have my way with you, my pet?"

As he pulled back and caught her expression that was like a hunted rabbit, he chuckled lightly. Drawing his fingers down her cheek one last time he let her go. Pointing to the shore, he said. "Take my robe and return. You had something you wanted to speak about, right? Wait, I'll be there soon."

Nodding, she snatched up the robe as soon as she climbed out of the hot spring and fled the area as fast as her legs would carry her. Her cheeks were flushed and as he held her close, he could feel her heart pounding. She was a mixture of both innocent sweetness and womanly seduction that it was quite the effort to let her go.

Finishing up his bath, he soon followed after her.

Hui Se Ying who had been watching in a distant, undetectable, corner felt extremely disappointed. Men and women, when shoved together in such a steamy situation should have thrown moral cares aside and had at it.

He pondered a moment and decided that perhaps he should focus his first few plots at prodding her attraction for his master to grow before attempting such a direct situation again. Then, after her thoughts only had his master, he'd try again. Once she pounced on him from an attraction that could not be suppressed, and the deed was done, she would then fully belong to his master.

It was a brilliant plan and with him behind it, nothing could go wrong.



So, I thought it over -adding up the time it takes to write a chapter to the free time I have to write- and I can't guarantee that I'll be able to keep a steady release rate if I increase the chapters. I don't want to say I can do something and end up being unable to do it, so instead, I'm going to try writing a bit more than normal each chance I get to write.

Since I've been in the top rankings 4 weeks in a row I'm gonna try to work really hard at it so that I can release some extra chapters next weekend in celebration of it. I'm gonna try my best for five, but it might end up being 3 or 4 chapters. It depends on how much extra free time I can grab for myself.