Fenrir's Imaginative Revenge

As he watched the old woman leave, Paoxiao was left feeling a bit stunned. She had asked him a few questions and he was waiting for the reason, but she merely left with a few parting words and a smile.

While Paoxiao was confused and Nastasia shared the confusion, the other two involved understood the old madam quite well. Cheung Fai Guang looked at Paoxiao with a sneer. As if he would let all the hard work put into brainwashing Old Madam Jiang into thinking that he was her only option go to waste.

He opened his mouth to make a snide comment but was cut off by Jiang Ya Lin's dismissal that was colored in both impatience and annoyance. "Now that grandmother has left, you should leave too. I don't plan on marrying you, so you should quickly drop the idea."

Cheung Fai Guang snorted. "First it was Gong Meng Yao and now it's this guy... when he doesn't want you, I wonder who you'll throw yourself at next?"

Angry, Jiang Ya Lin shot back. "Well, you don't have to worry, because it'll never be you!"

The women of the Jiang household were all just as outspoken. Although the other Jiang women favored more feminine pursuits they, too, did not bear the gentle and placid temperament a woman was expected to have. Were they also accused so shamelessly of being a loose woman, they too would bite back just as harsh.

Able to toss out such vicious words but unable to swallow anything vicious in turn, Cheung Fai Guang's thin lips twisted as his slitted eyes squinted tight in his anger. To be so refused again and again burned his throat and singed his nerves.

Even though he was a lower official, due to the fact that he reached the profound lower level of martial arts at a young, everyone catered to his whims. The only problem was his status, otherwise, he wouldn't even deign himself to deal with such an aggravating and willful girl.

Acting out in the moment, he rose his hand to strike her face. He suddenly wanted to see her cheek besmirched scarlet and inflamed, to see her eyes look tearfully and helpless up at him as she crumbles to the floor.

So willful and so arrogant to refuse him again and again, as if she were better than him, when she was nothing more then a commodity picked up in passing!

As Jiang Ya Lin swallowed hard and attempted to sidestep the wrathful strike thrown with quite a bit of strength, blue and black filled her vision. A clear and crisp smack filled the air with a horrifying clarity as a clank, clank sound followed suit.

Paoxiao had moved to intercept the attack, but the minute he tried the Slave Binding Contract sealed all his limbs, preventing him from doing anything. As they left without informing Li Yu Rong, the restriction preventing him from acting against humans had not been lifted. Without considering this, his thoughts at that moment had been rather grim and had thus activated the seal.

As he watched Nastasia's face being crisply slapped and slammed to the side a white-hot rage filled his chest. The more he envision slicing through that cretin's flesh, the more he struggled against his bonds, the tighter they became and the stronger the pain inflicted by it.

Nastasia breathed in deep as she tried to tolerate the stinging pain. Straightening her posture, she looked up at the dark-haired youth with glaring sky-blue eyes. The mask had been knocked to the ground and the wig had shifted to send several strands of red hair to drift over her face.

The one in front of her had to be at least twenty years of age. At first, Nastasia had been confused as to what they were talking about, but then remembered the word "marry," from one of the books she read in Li Yu Rong's study. Jiang Ya Lin couldn't possibly be older than thirteen. This sad excuse of a man wanted to bully such a young girl into marriage, going so far as to beat her? She couldn't help but be filled with disgust for this man.

While Cheung Fai Guang was startled by her strange eye and hair color, he was also enchanted by her. The righteous anger in her eyes made him want to push her down. As he nearly stepped forward to make a move, her words stopped him cold.

Nastasia was so angry that she nearly started speaking in English to curse him, but caught herself. "You not get what you want, you throw fit like child act violently. So despicable!" The level of her speech fell with how upset she felt inside.

More than being struck by these offensive words, Cheung Fai Guang was stunned over this indigent girl's severe lack of skill to properly speak. Even his three-year-old nephew could command a higher ability in his speech.

Holding back his amusement, Fai Guang ridiculed, "are you so desperate for companionship, Jiang Ya Lin, that even fools can satisfy you?"

Before his words could register, before they could feel any negative emotions from it, a suspicious wet spot bloomed across Cheung Fai Guang's crotch area. Feeling the wet, he froze a whole second before looking down. His cheeks heating up from both its appearance and the disbelieving gazes attaching themselves to his crotch.

The wolves had been bound like Paoxiao, unable to move due to the contracts placed upon them. However, Fenrir, after considering the situation a bit, calmed his hatred and want to maul the human that dared to strike its master. Once having done so, he was able to move freely.

Without any shame at what he thought to do, calm as can be, Fenrir walked right up to the human male and lifted his leg to relieve his bladder. From his height, the steady stream perfectly alighted to the man's crotch and so created the present situation.

Both Paoxiao and Nastasia were stunned as they could see what Fenrir dared to do. The rest, however, could only stare in stunned horror at what they thought was Fai Guang's failing bladder. A few even dared to laugh, though they tried their best to muffle this fact.

Cheung Fai Guang tried to calm his heaving breathes as he drowned in humiliation. The suave and cool image he had worked so hard for had shattered in a mere instant. Although this happened within the Jiang family home, servants had legs and mouths. This could easily spread outside.

"No... this... I.." he stuttered as he tried to think of a way to refute how the situation appeared to be. However, he couldn't even begin to understand how this dripping wet spot could have possibly appeared to dissuade others from believing that he had trouble holding his bladder. Especially when the smell of urine was so heavy in the air.

Seeing his stumbling and horrified appearance, Nastasia's lips twitched upward. Her sky blue eyes shined as she felt that a bit of her anger had been vented by this humorous event. She wanted to say that "when karma bites, it bites hard," but didn't know how to say it. Though she wanted to say something, the words were choked in her throat as she couldn't help but laugh at Fenrir's self-satisfied expression as he sauntered back to sit beside his brother.

It was unbelievably cute.

Their staring, their laughter, this unbearable humiliation, his emotions were all over the place at the moment. When Nastasia laughed without holding back, Fai Guang's tender hold snapped. Reaching out for the girl, he viciously yelled. "You little Bitc-"

Fai Guang bit his tongue at the end when a hand reached out and shoved him backward. When he looked up that girl was being pulled flush against a man's sturdy chest. His arms wound around her waist possessively. Those dual colored eyes bore down on Fai Guang with such strong and cold pressure the fine hairs on his neck stood on end.

Though the man's lips twisted upward the grin he presented held not a shred of warmth. "I wonder how my how my pet has offended you?" The words were slow, the voice mellow as it asked, but there was a chill in it so frigid it was hard not to feel intimidated.

Although Cheung Fai Guang had only seen this man once from some distance away, his frightful appearance had been etched deeply into his memories. The Elemental Spirit Master of their time, the emperor's younger brother, was nothing short of a terrifying nightmare that lingered long after waking.

No matter how you tried to shake it from you, the fear wouldn't fade.