The Journey's Start

The next two days passed in the blink of an eye for Nastasia. On top of preparing and explaining instructions for anything that may happen on her shop's path to completion, Paoxiao also helped her to prepare for the journey ahead.

The Spirit Realm was a new uncharted territory for her. She, who was still trying to wrap her head around the ways of the Mortal Realm, was stuffed full of new information pertaining to the other. There was so much to know and remember that her head felt dizzied by it all.

Though Paoxiao was a tough teacher, his toughness was only a by-product of his worry. He wanted to make sure that Nastasia was well aware of the dangers that could be found in the Spirit Realm. Being that a currency system did not exist there, it was a show of strength or the trading of items that got you wanted, he stressed that she should keep a few valuables on her person at all times.

The thought of Nastasia having to fight anyone in the Spirit Realm had Paoxiao so worried that he stuffed a few more things into her coin purse for her to carry. Appreciating the care, she flashed him a bright smile before turning to finish deciding the things to bring along.

She didn't have much, so it was relatively easy. All she took was her flute, enough clothes to last the week, and her drawing supplies. Besides, though Paoxiao insisted she take along more things to be safe, Nastasia preferred to travel light and would generally only take things that were absolutely necessary.

Faced with her brilliant smile that he felt, at that moment, was too innocent and screamed of being a delicious meal to be preyed upon, Paoxiao couldn't help his sudden urge to hide her away. If Nastasia got lost in the Spirit Realm what would happen to her? The answers to that question bounced around his head, the many possibilities making him short of breath.

In the end, he gave her another lecture on what to do should they be separated. He explained to her different layouts of the lands surrounding the area they were headed. He told her how to negotiate a good deal should it become necessary. Finally, to make sure that none of what he said would become needed, he stressed that she should try her best to not wander and stick close.

Through it all, Nastasia patiently listened and expressed her willingness to follow all of his warnings strictly. Even so, Paoxiao still felt it wasn't enough and explained a few more things, with a couple reiterations, before leaving to allow her a good night's rest.

Though the two days seemed to pass by rather quickly for those rushing about the Palace of the Four Gates, for Li Yu Rong the two days seemed to drag on at an agonizing pace. Although he was extremely busy, handing over responsibilities and strengthen the arrays for the barriers around the Palace, his mind couldn't but churn over his issue with Asya.

Li Yu Rong wanted to see her. His nights were restless without her presence beside him. Though he was following Hui Se Ying's advice, he also knew that deep down he was a bit weak-kneed at the thought of confronting her just yet.

Those blue fearful eyes, her trembling and fearful voice, they haunted both his sleeping and waking moments. He was afraid that, should he confront her too soon, she'd pull back from him completely. The reason he decided to go along with Hui Se Ying's plan was that he hoped the time apart would give her a time to calm down as well as give her a chance to miss his presence.

Though that last thought was likely a long shot to come to pass, it didn't make him wish for it any less. And so, as he sat there in front of the gates waiting for both Paoxiao and Asya to appear, he steeled his heart against giving in. Even though there was an itch to grab her as soon as she appeared, he ignored it. In fact, he forced his eyes to nary chance a glance in her direction.

Instead, Li Yu Rong kept his gaze ahead of himself as he walked toward the northern gate. Activating the arrays the gate opened into the Spirit Realm. As Paoxiao saw the gate they would be traveling through he couldn't help but exclaim.

"The northern gate? But, doesn't that lead to-!?" How were they suppose to get where they needed to go that way?

As they walked through the gate the world around them flashed white before opening up to an entirely different world. Their feet treaded upon soggy dirt and grass, their eyes peered out onto a vast spread of water. It was so wide and endless that if Nastasia was told it was an ocean, she wouldn't find it too unbelievable.

Though, the fact that it looked as if a wide ocean was spread out before them was probably an illusion created by the mass amount of thick fog surrounding them. It made Nastasia feel a sense of adventure to see and explore this new scenery as it made her a bit apprehensive to take a step forward. It was difficult to see where the land ended and the expanse of water began.

This same worry was something Li Yu Rong also shared. Just as he was about to give in and tell Asya where to step to avoid falling in, he saw Paoxiao happily pointing out the path to her. He sat there staring blankly for a moment before forcing his gaze away. The sight was like a needle pricking at his eye.

Clenching a fist and forcing himself to continue on with what he decided, he walked to the edge of the land. His steps held none of the hesitance one would usually have walking in a barely visible area, it was as if he had the ability to see through the fog.

However, his sure steps were a result of his repeated visits to this area. After coming here for so long the lay of the land had become deeply ingrained. Yet, back when he was a child and first had to come to these northern wetlands, this place frightened him like nothing else. Always waiting for something horrifying to pot out from the fog to take a bite. On more than one occasion he had nearly fallen to his death. None of the pools of water, that opened up hidden in the fog, were shallow by any means.

As he got to the edge, Li Yu Rong called for the boat he had prepared for the occasion. The boat that was summoned forth was at least nine meters long and six meters wide. It was single masted and had a small dwelling at its back with enough room to house two people. Though he needed to be inconspicuous and something smaller would have been more ideal, he had it crafted with Asya in mind.

He didn't know if she had ever been on a boat before. It can be rather tough for those without experience. Even then, there were those that just couldn't help being seasick no matter how many times they stepped on to a boat. Li Yu Rong figured that, with the comfortable enclosure, it would be easier on her.

The plan was to sit back there with her, helping her through any discomforts she might have. All three of his Ying subordinates were coming along and they were more than capable enough to take the helm while he used more of his dwindling time to get her to fall for him.

That had been the plan, but everything could only be cast aside for now.

While he couldn't exactly think that it was for the best he understood that he honestly shouldn't let himself become distracted during a perilous time. At any second the enemy could drop in for an attack. It had been why he chose to travel by water than go by land. An attack on the water would be more difficult to amass.

From the intel gathered it would seem that the other guardians didn't have the resources to construct a boat on the fly like he had the capabilities to achieve. Even so, it wasn't exactly impossible and thus each one of them ideally needed to remain vigilant.

As the boat was loaded with the few things they were going to take along, Li Yu Rong muttered to Paoxiao as he passed by with Asya to board the boat. "Watch her carefully."

Hearing the command Paoxiao nodded, his face serious. "Of course, isn't that a given." He said as he then hurriedly followed after Nastasia to make sure she didn't slip while walking up the steps onto the deck.

Li Yu Rong was the last to board, his chest feeling heavy as he considered tossing away this idea of distance. Though it wasn't exactly appropriate for it, he could have a conversation with her concerning that night while drifting along the water to the meeting point. Though he seriously thought about it there were also thoughts that cropped up to convince him otherwise.

As he was absent-minded about this their luggage was properly stowed away, the ladder for boarding had been drawn up, and the boat was made to sail away from the shore. Although he seriously wanted to use the journey to right things between them, he would never get the chance.

After all, this was going to be a journey fraught with danger.