Chapter 17 - Fate of the Union

Several hours earlier.

Samantha felt the fear and panic slowly coursing through her, each moment slowly pressing in on her as she approached the office late, she had been in the library as everything had gone off, she even examined the creature after to discover massive demonic corruption, this beast was clearly from a demonic region or had become corrupted in doing so, though the creature had been killed by the several angelic celestial spears it was clear that the beast was being forced back earlier, she even saw many signs of wind magic.

During the scouting of the inner areas, they discovered a strange barrier that was placed on a section of the library, doing a full sweep would only reveal this one area to be affected, magically charged with mind magic elements to lure people into the area but low enough of an area spell that no one would even pay any attention to it over the background magic of the portals, cleaning spells and other magic.

"This was a colossal fuck up for the Union with a demonic element being able to sit inside our domain for a long time, we need to figure out if its a rogue element or an actual agent"

Sam heard the words from the angels, ears twitching slightly as she would continue on after giving her reports, writing more down before realising she was almost three hours late for her meeting. Her attire still in a state as she walked up to the main office, the large golden doors giving off a strong presence, she had heard of any demonic creatures coming to this door would panic and scream in full terror.

As she approached the doors would slowly swing open, the golden whites of the room giving off a holy or more pure sense, inside half a dozen angels stood guard, swords at the ready as they watched someone enter before going back to rest, an older woman sitting behind a marble table, papers scattered as she did not even look up.

"Ahh, Ms Thorn. Please come in and take a seat"

"Arch Angel Maybell." Sam would say in respect as she bowed, slowly coming forward at the request before taking a seat.

The Arch Angel looked closer to sixty or seventy years of age, peaceful and kind with a hint of Sass was clear in her features, long white hair with large fluffy white wings behind her, expanding almost twenty meters wide and fifty meters tall, slightly tilted as these massive wings could not very easily fit inside the hall, the size of the wings normally came to the power levels, which could indicate this woman was powerful enough to destroy all the angels here.

"Oh dear, please just call me May. Now now, time to talk business. I'm sending you to the Albion region for this mission"

Sam took a seat, looking at May with some wonder, if she dared to call this woman by her nickname then she would be rather dense, she would be hated by all the angels as she had to respect the woman as the leader of the entire union.

"Arch Angel may I understand why I must go to the frontline. Albion is a small island surrounded by the mainland controlled demonic corruption"

The Arch Angel seemed to pout slightly at not getting called May, though she understood why, simply deciding to go along and continue her story, shaking her head before pulling out a report.

"You have three missions. I've seen the details about the crystal you got, but we have other pressing concerns to deal with. The Echo has gone missing, this is a huge mission as if the demonic creatures have gotten that device we could be in huge trouble. Currently, we know only one device in under control by them, we also have one in the Union-controlled territory, you need to get this back to us to help out the Union"

Sam felt lost, why would they keep such an important item in the front line areas, would it not make more sense to take it back overseas to the capital and then go from that point, the Arch Angel seemed to understand without words as she continued.

"During the last war, we made a treaty, one of the treaty points was to keep it located in the island and not move it to either side, due to our luck the Albion government sided with the Union instead of going independent, though that is a key part of the treaty, now that its missing you can see why we are in trouble"

Sam just nodded her head slowly, understanding the whole reason now. Her mission had become critical at this point, her face paling due to that point.

"So, just collect the Echo or located it to be placed back?"

Maybell would just slowly nod her head, slowly pushing a file forward about the Echo, sighing before rubbing her head.

"That is the main objective, secondary objectives are as follows. One, find the source of this crystal and recruit them and bring them back to me. I care not if you need to bribe them with any resource, do not intimidate or piss them off under any capacity, secondly you will need to locate any new angels and bring them back to the training academy I will assign to you Menna. I know what you are going to say, I know she is a new half Angel but everyone needs training and I trust you"

Sam would just nod her head, having a new member on her team was basically a babysitting job and she knew it would be a pain, though it was not going to be all too bad as the whole angel recruitment part was going to be handled by her and she could just do the other two parts.

"You can count on me!"

Sam would bow deeply, hands connecting and holding it over her heart, quickly grabbing the papers as she would look back to see her suitcase ready for her.

"You will leaving now, this is an urgent mission" Maybell would say softly, Sam slowly just nodding as she knew it was pointless to argue.

She would walk out as she grabbed her suitcase, quickly making her way to the teleportation room, checking her suitcase as she made sure everything was ready before looking to the tall woman standing next to the portal, white hair and golden eyes, staring off into the distance. She was roughly six foot in height with a thin build, small pair of wings on her back, less then a meter in size and a rather thick face, like all the fat in her body was in her face which made her body all the stranger. Having a rather warm if not clumsy feel to her as she would turn to Sam.

"Ahh, you must be Menna" Sam would say, the strange angelic woman turning and running over, she appeared to be closer to her mother's age as she would smile.

"It's my first mission, you must be Sam! Please take care of me!"

She had a giddy smile on her face, the attitude of an actual mother as she seemed completely lost or dense, this entire thing made Sam sick, she had to take care of this woman and do her mission.

"Fuck me" she muttered under her breath, heading to the portal, the angelic woman stepping in behind her, smiling like she was going on holiday.