Saviour System

Gasping for air, his breath was heavy but he managed to stabilise. Sen's eyes widen as he heard nothing but silence in the surroundings. Sen thought that he should either living as a ghost after taking the grenade for Feng or he had been chosen to go to the heavens.

When he realised that he had the sufficient strength to stand up, he slowly push himself up from the ground. There was even no pain felt in his abdominal area. No wounds, no blood and the shirt was more of less intact.

"Am I truly dead?" Sen thought and glanced around him. Everything was in a standstill, time was frozen with the exception of Sen moving around the battlefield. At the far end, the Black Monarch soldiers were marching proudly into the forest while the Red Sun troops had frantic appearances. He saw his buddy, Feng shouting towards him.

-Tink- -Tink- -Tink-

The sound was distinctly clear which surprised Sen a little, forcing him to be alert of his environment. Nothing seem to change from the still image environment till suddenly, a digital screen with black and white words appeared in front of him. A gentle but cold alluring voice of a lady starts to speak in his ears.

"Thank you for accepting the Saviour System! You are the first to try out this magnificent system. As a show of thanks for your patronage, please accept the following rewards."

Sen was stunned at the voice and the digital screen starts to integrate into his body. The screen was scanning him from the bottom of his feet to the top of his head. There were sounds of static coming from the screen as it went past his head.

After which, he felt something pulses into him and the system showed a screen filled with stats in front of him. Somehow, he felt a little braver, a little more daring than usual.


Days to Apocalypse: 2049

Name: Haruyuki Sen

Age: 17

Strength: 1

Dexterity: 1

Constitution: 1

Willpower: 2

Magic: 0

Abilities: Heart of the Mongoose Level 1

System Comments: Sissy. Please work hard to be the Saviour of this world before the start of Apocalypse.


Sen cried in his heart. He wondered what have he done to be assessed so mercilessly and scolded by an inanimate object. His parents are tailors and not farmers or smiths. He was not trained to be a strong person but to be called a sissy was a little saddening.

He took some time to look at the stats and realised it was similar to the tabletop games he played before in the village's community hall. He pondered and thought "What is this particular ability? The Heart of the Mongoose? Aren't Mongoose some kind of ferret?"

"Heart of the Mongoose (Passive): You possessed the heart of the Mongoose. You control your fear, fear do not control you. Effects: Willpower+1", the system replied.

Sen then saw something strange which caught his attention almost immediately. "Wait, wait, wait a minute. What is this 'Days to Apocalypse'?!"

"You have 2049 days to become the Saviour of this world. Failure to do so will lead to personal injury resulting death and the destruction of the world."

"No, what I want to ask is what is this Apocalypse??"

"The Apocalypse is an unavoidable event which comprises of different planes merging together and becoming as one. The appearance of the Omega Shards which in your knowledge also known as Fate Crystals depicts the start of Apocalypse." The system stated as it is a fact of life.


"Yes, Other planes such as the Shadow Plane, the Divine Plane, the Space Plane and many others will merge with the Earth Plane, which you are residing right now, into one. Monsters and higher beings will emerge as well."

Sen was overwhelmed by the onslaught of information. What Saviour? All he wished is to take over this parent's shop and if possible, marry a girl that he likes. Hence he rebutted against the system as he wanted to refuse this major responsibility. "

Why am I chosen to be the Saviour? Are there not people stronger than me? People that possesses magic with frightening powers? People with superior influence over the masses?"

The system went silent for a while before replying. " User, please work hard to be the Saviour of this world."

Sen was stunned for a little and subsequently went speechless. He sat down on a nearby broken log while surveying the frozen time. What did he do to deserve this system? Does that mean he can be a superhero? Why was he not killed by the grenade attack when he covered for Feng? How can he escape from this particular timestill?

As if the System knows what Sen liked to say when he finally had the guts to ask the system, the System interrupted him.

"Mission issued to User."


Mission 1: Kill the Goblin scouting party

Rewards: Three Fate Crystals and one chance at the Saviour Lottery
