Servus, Upgrades and Darkness

Sen did not took long to choose since he knew it was just a lottery of luck. He picked the card that was at the most right and the card revealed a symbol of a human kneeling to one that sat on the throne with his hand raised and it was radiating with power.

"Congratulations! You received a Ring of Servus. The Ring of Servus grants you the ability to cast the spell Servus once per day. The spell allows you to completely dominate a person for a time duration. However, if the spell was cast onto the target and his willpower is stronger than yours, you will not be able to dominate him in any circumstances. "

"Instead, it will be counter intuitive as the target will gain the temporary powers of Servus such as invulnerability for a time duration. In addition to these effects, the Ring of Servus increases your willpower by 1."

"Does that mean the person dominated will be able to listen and perform every single command that I ask?" Sen's suddenly thought of something demeaning.

"Yes, but User, please do not have indecent thoughts. The system will purge your Ring of Servus if it deems that the usage of the Ring was for personal use." The system retorted.

Sen's cheeks flushed a little and argued back "W-W-Why would I do such a thing! You are underestimating me System!"

"User, do not lie. Your pulse increased, breathing had heightened. You are in going into a state of arousal."

"Let me see the Saviour Store again!" Sen tried to change the topic. The system accepts Sen's request and brought the screen back to the Store's option to him. After previewing, he decided to buy a few items.

The Beginner's Magic Lottery chance ticket was the most cost effective as compared to the other magic options that was on sale. Lightning beginner magic was about 299 Fate crystals, while the weakest offensive Light beginner magic was selling for 49 Fate crystals.

The lottery was at a cheap rate of 80 Fate crystals and it had a small chance to get Lightning magic which was the strongest type of offensive magic known to Red Sun Mages. Sen personally saw Raizan executing lightning attacks against the goblins.

They were fast, flashy and fantastic, how could he not want to get it? If Sen was unlucky and received Light magic instead, at least he knew it was just that his luck was bad.

The second thing he bought was a instant weapon upgrade for his Zinger Rifle at 100 Fate Crystals. He felt this was a well spent investment. The upgrade allows the Zinger rifle to fire at a semi automatic rate, allowing him to shoot without performing the necessary steps to fire a weapon .

A switch was installed at the side of the rifle allowing Sen to choose whether semi automatic or bolt action.

The bolt action was not considered redundant with the introduction of the new semi automatic option. The upgrade made the bolt action option even more powerful. As long as the user had magic power in him, each reloading sequence via the bolt action was considered as a spell incantation and it powered the rifle and bullet with either pure magical power or according to the type of offensive magic the user was attuned to.

This option significantly increases the range and penetrative power of the shot.

The last thing he bought was a set of Saviour Machete and Saviour Bowie Knife for 290 Fate Crystals. He realised he needed melee weapons if he had to get close and personal with his enemies. The flashback of him stabbing the Goblin King's feet gave him a little goosebumps if the situation did not went well.

"The Saviour Machete had a slanted tip blade which provides a stronger chopping power and the length of the machete was comparable to a short sword. The metal used to create the Saviour Machete and Bowie Knife came from a variant race of Copper Veined Rhinoceros which was long extinct. The horns of the variant Copper Veined Rhinoceros were tougher than steel or metallic alloys known.

The metal was then forged by the Elder Snow Dwarves via the Sixteen Thousand Hammering method and later imbued with exotic runes that was created by the Scarlet Witches. The runes imbued made the weapon to grow like a living creature.

As the User gets stronger, the melee weapons will gradually gain sentience and becomes stronger with him. Hence, it is the perfect weapon for a beginner like you." The System explained the details to Sen after he purchased it.

Sen felt satisfied choosing what he wanted and paid a total of 470 Fate Crystals. After purchasing, he activated the Beginner's Magic Lottery chance ticket. "Do you wish to use the ticket now, User?" Sen nods and he pressed a button.

All of a sudden, a miniature size girl with bunny ears and tail popped out of nowhere and clumsily landed on Sen's palm. Sen noticed that she was wearing nothing but a large rag cloth as a makeshift dress. She slowly stood up and gave a unbelievably cute expression for the bad landing. The bunny girl then bowed gently in front of him and created a dimensional portal with a snap of her fingers.

"User, please select something in the dimensional portal." The system requested.

Sen inserted his right hand into the portal and realised the portal was an opening to a sort of bag with numerous boxes in it. He was unable to see what was inside since the dimensional portal was only big enough for his arm to go through.

He casually took one box out of the portal and the dimensional portal closed. The size of the box was roughly as tall as the bunny girl and it was rectangular in shape with a sleek black design to it.

Upon seeing the box, the bunny girl was jumping as if she wants to see the content of the box. Sen gleefully placed the box near to the bunny girl and used his right thumb and index finger to open the box carefully.

Inside the box, it was a black maxi dress and as Sen felt the material of the dress, he immediately knew it was made from velvet silk! The bunny girl expression turned immensely happy and signalled Sen to look away.

Sen turned his head away but the frantic steps of the bunny girl made him curious what was going on. Later, he felt the roughness of the rag cloth on his palm as well as the smooth delicateness of the velvet silk.

"Okay, you can turn your head back now." This was the first time the bunny girl spoke. Sen was bewildered by the curvy figure the bunny girl had which was previously hidden by the bulky rag clothed dress.

"Congratulations User! You have received and awaken Darkness Magic!" the system reported.

Sen was stunned, "Darkness? I had not heard such a type of magic when I was in school."

"Darkness is indeed a type of magic that can be awaken via the Fate Crystals. The requirement for it to be awaken is usually too high or the type of Fate Crystal used did not contain sufficient amount of Darkness to have it awaken in a Human.

However, do not confuse Darkness Magic with Dark Magick or Dark Arts. Darkness Magic has the capability to utilise all elements of the Fate Crystals but its property is more neutral compared to the elements.

For instance, A basic lightning bolt caused approximately 1.5 times the damage to a water mage due to the element's strength and properties. A basic darkness lightning bolt does only 1.2 times the damage due to the difference in property.

Unfortunately, even if a mage manage to awaken to the darkness element, without proper training and guidance due to the broad application of it, the potential of the darkness element will not be fully utilised.

User can be assured that he can easily be a grandmaster mage of Darkness with the System's guidance. The bunny sprite in front of you is the manifestation of your magical powers.

Via her, you will be able to harness your magical abilities. No one but you would be able to see her. In addition, the bunny sprite will be the interface between the System and User in order for the user to learn magic skills."

After listening to the System's explanation, the bunny girl interjected. "My name is Nes! A pleasure to meet you!" Although Sen realised the importance of the bunny girl, he pat the Nes on her head and put the bunny girl down before he got out of his bed to search for something in his table drawers.

Nes became curious, what was more important than learning more about his new magic? She jumped up to the table and sat on a leftover roll of cotton.

Sen was digging through his table and finally found what he wanted. A leftover brown leather strap. He took his tailor tool kit which was passed down from his parents and cut the strap precisely. After ten minutes of handling, he made a miniature belt for Nes.

Sen beckoned Nes to come nearer to him and he wrapped it around Nes. She blushed a little as her master placed his rough yet delicate fingers around her.

With the belt, her appearance with the maxi dress was enhanced. Nes liked the new belt so much that she danced around the table while playing with her new dress. Sen had a good time viewing the miniature bunny girl twirling around the mess on his table. Nes came to a stop after while and opened a new interface for Sen.

"User, the sprite demanded the System to provide a good beginner spell for User as a thank you gift for the custom made leather belt that you had made for her. Please take note that this is a one time offer and will not be entertained in the future, you now are endowed with a new spell." Upon hearing the System's complaint, Sen gave a thumbs up to Nes for scamming the scammer for him.

Nes grinned widely towards Sen in return.