
"Please this unworthy one begs for your help!" Mailee did not dare to lift her head up. Her trembling was mixed with unwieldy courage and overflowing fright. Sen kneel to lift her up and Mailee finally saw the faces of the ones who rescued her. "Hey, hey, hey calm down. My name is Sen and the two with me is Feng and Raizan."

"Oh champions of Indra, Rahu and Tvastar. I am an unworthy clanswomen from the Ice Clan of Shiva who bears the humble name of Mailee. This unworthy ask of the champions to save my brother from the terrible hands of the Fire Clan of Agni!" Mailee pleaded and she unravelled her bag in front of them.

She took out a palm sized crystal which looked very similar to a fate crystal. The Fate Crystal Mailee was holding emitted an extremely strong aura of coldness. If she did not use some magic of her own to neglect the aura while she was holding it, Mailee right hand would have frozen on the spot and dedicatedly broke off due to gravity. The cold emitted made the desert surroundings felt like winter had descended. Even the fresh warm bodies of the dead scorpions lost of their heat at the instant Mailee took the crystal out in the open.

"Sen, this is an extremely high grade fate crystal, its purity is one I had never phantom to see in my whole life!" Raizan raised his gauntlet and the gauntlet started to analyse the crystal right in front of him.

"Yes User, the crystal she is holding is 98.9% pure with the element of ice. It had some natural impurities which cannot be avoidable but its quality is undeniable. There is even a chance the ice element contained in this crystal is a variant element of ice. Speaking in the terms of exchange. One of this crystal is equivalent to 150 standard All Element Fate Crystal the system offers." The system noted to Sen.

"This unworthy stole this from Shiva's highest temple and hope to exchange it for my exalted brother with the Fire Clan of Agni. However this unworthy knows that there is a chance Agni Clansmen will take advantage of her and take the crystal. Yet, I am unrealistically optimistic to bet such an exchange is still possible."

Mailee placed crystal back into the bag of sealing and with her head faced down and two hands raising out, she offered the bag to Sen. "Please accept this as this unworthy one's reward for saving her life." Maintaining her stance of offering, she kneel again and said. "I also ask that you accompany this unworthy to save my brother from the Fire Clan of Agni!"

Sen hit the two hands offering the treasure of Shiva away from him. Mailee panicked a little, did the champions of the ancient gods did not take regard with the treasure the clan of Shiva revered? Was it too little offering of a gift?

Sen then grabbed Mailee by her collar and with her close to his face, he said in a very firm voice. "If you want to save your brother, then change your fucking attitude. Act as an equal not our servant." He then pushed her to the ground and asked Feng to help him get the jeep out of the dead scorpion.

"You are mad to crash this thing into the scorpion." Feng laughed as he gave a side glance back at Mailee while walking towards the crashed jeep. Feng can see from the initial fight with the scorpions that Mailee is a talented girl with art of sword fighting, but it could be her way of life made her this submissive during her conversation with Sen.

She had the courage to steal a treasure of her people and travelled a long distance here all by herself. It meant she could be frustrated with the helplessness she experienced in the clan or her brother really is everything to her.

Mailee was at a lost. This was not what she was taught. The Clan drilled her to respect the people with more power no matter the circumstances. Was she not born inferior? She and her brother were orphans and that meant they were classless in the Clan.

Her brother went through difficulties to raise her up, taught her how to fight, fed her and took care of her dearly. Whenever they were in trouble with people in power, her brother would lower his head, put his pride away in order to protect his sister.

When she did the same exact thing to Sen, she was scolded instead. She was confused.

"Mailee! Mailee is it? Come help us bring out our jeep from this piece of meat." Feng shouted from a distance.

Meanwhile, for the first time in the plane, Raizan started to help with some menial work. "Hahaha Boss, you helping too?" Sen laughed and he tried to pull the jeep's hood out of the sticky mess.

"Aren't you the Boss around here when we are stuck out of some other plane?" Raizan complained.

"Major, you are such a two face!" Feng aided Sen by pulling the jeep from its rear. Raizan heartily laughed Feng's command.

Mailee picked up the sealed bag and placed it back in her bag. She slowly stood up and she walked closer to the jeep. Instead of pushing or pulling, Mailee whispered an incantation with hand movements in the air. Ice blocks started to sprout out of the dead scorpion, and aided with the push of the metal box out of the scorpion's belly.

Sen smiled a little to see Mailee capabilities and he raised his arm to initiate a handshake. "Let us start again. Name is Sen." The other two spoke their names too and Mailee with a speck of confidence said hers too. "I'm Mailee."

The jeep was not in a bad condition at all since Feng used the battlesmith technique Strengthen on it before Sen decided to crash that thing into a scorpion. All Feng had to do was to cast Reconstruct again and the jeep went back to its original condition.

"Hmm, Perhaps I should add a few defensive equipment or two." Raizan talked to himself. Both Sen and Feng shouted "NO!" in unison. They did not want to do more labour work while Raizan was fiddling with his gadget. Mailee giggled slightly at their camaraderie.

"Do not worry, I finally figured how to do this the lazy way." He opened his palm of his gauntlet and the same miniature ball sized drone came out again. Raizan started to 3D print more ball sized drones with the original drone that he had and with each additional drone, the production of the 3D printing was faster and more detailed.

Raizan printed a machine gun turret with a four missile attachment which can be operated within the jeep. After the 3D printing production, the multiple drones was able to carry the turret to the roof of the jeep. They even fix it on the jeep's roof securely. Raizan also added reinforced armour plating on the jeep and improved the seating environment in the Jeep.

"How are you creating something from nothing?!" Sen questioned.

"Great question, Sen. Apparently, the Sigma Architect profession you bestowed me had the ability to steal erm...a better word is fully utilising resources from the surroundings of at least 10 kilometres around me."

"Maybe I have more coverage in the future but for now at least 10 kilometres. I can use my knowledge to utilise such resources as a brilliant military scientist and mage of the seventh gate to create things I want to create without those nonsensical paperwork and red tapes." Raizan joyfully said.

"Resources as in natural resources like sand, metal?" Mailee injected when in awe with the beauty of the floating balls that was capable of creating items from thin air.

"Much more! The compound materials and even the impurities can be separated down to the atom to create what I want." Raizan noted that Mailee got even more confused and she just nodded her head.

"So, what happened to your brother? Kidnapped by the men of Agni?" Feng changed the subject.

"Yes, my brother decided to give his life instead of mine to eternal enslavement by the men of Agni. After the men of Shiva lost in a challenge issued by the the men of Agni. However, dirty the victory was, it was still a win and the clan of Shiva needs to compel with the ancient tradition to give the war of spoils to Agni"

"I secretly studied the magical arts of Shiva for the last two years and honed my sword skills so that I can join the fight against Agni's men to get my brother back. However, they said I was classless and have no right to be a soldier. Much less for a women." Mailee sighed

"In a fit of anger, I stole the Blessing of Shiva and ran out of the clan at the middle of the winter desert night….and after many fortunate close shaves, I ran to you all."

"Get on, we do not have time to waste if we want to get even with Agni." Sen turned on the jeep's engine and the others got into the back of the jeep. Mailee was a little afraid of the metal box but she grabbed the courage like how Sen grabbed her by the throat and entered the metal box. As she sat beside Sen, she felt a gush of cold air coming from the insides of the metal box and the leather seat was very comfortable.

She never felt such comfortness for ages and she has the urge to fall to sleep. Sen smiled and said "Get some rest, we need you in tip top condition for you to take your revenge." Those words never reach Mailee.

The moment she sat on the leather chair, she let her guard and eyes down.