Saviour Warboard

Sen landed near the glass cage and his boots was able to break the fall. With his increased constitution and Axolotl Regeneration ability aiding him, the fall was nothing to him. He simultaneously casted a series of soft shroud barriers for the others which assisted them to break the fall. All of them managed to land with ease in the chaos and started to annihilate the soldiers around them

Malik thought this would be the perfect opportunity to counterattack as he advances to strike against the person who had the worse fall. Yet, Sen was able to block the attack with his Saviour Machete and slide in a side punch on Malik.

Before Malik was able to swing his sword again, ice appeared on his wrist and weighted his hand down to the ground. A thin blade laid hanging right beside his neck. "Brother, don't."

Mailk looked up and saw Mailee in true flesh and blood. He let go of his weapon and his guard and hugged Mailee despite the chaos all around. "Why are you here, how?..I mean-" Malik's lips tightened when his sister placed a finger on his lips.

"I'm here for you Brother, and I am with them to rescue the twins." Mailee lifted her hands and a large wave of ice stopped an incoming horde of soldiers from all directions. Many were killed in the 'Ice Wave Wall' spell which Mailee casted with ease.

"They were the foreigners who Ken defeated and took the twins?" Malik immediately turned his back against the soldiers that were defending with him and killed a few of them. Mailee walked with him as her 'Ice Javelins' pierces the soldiers before they could even react.

Mailee laughed with such pure innocence which Malik had long forgotten its existence. " Ken defeated them? I am pretty sure the Chief Priest of Agni was not updated. They were the ones who killed that corrupted Ken."

As the siblings unite, Raizan saw observed the incantations on the glass cage. Although there were slight difference in the way of magic, to the hands of the sigma architect, they were all just data.

Raizan scanned the whole cage and found numerous loopholes on the incantations that he can exploit allowing the party to break the cage and reached out to the twins. He started to analyse the cage's incantation while doing calibration of the incantation of his lightning magic spell 'Overcharge Lightning'. If his calculations were right, 'Overcharge Lightning' will be able to overload the incantations of the glass cage and breaking free of the twins but he had to do it systematically.

Failure was not an option for both him and the twins.

Speaking of the twins, they were surprised and amazed to see how grim things unfolded at first. To be able to have contact with Sen again gave them utmost hope. They somehow knew it was stupid to move anywhere from the cage until Sen and the others personally rescue them. "Brother Sen, please save us." Kari secretly whispered. Kura felt her urge and wishes for the same thing too.

Sen took the chance of the large wave of frozen ice blocking their enemies and started his advanced Shroud magic. He took two fate crystals, that was left after previously converting them to fire crystals, and utilised them into his creation of his first advanced shroud magic spell.

A massive phantom army of goblins.

He utilised what the system had recorded from the fight of the previous mission and created a magical army, a scale of tremendous size, nearly filling the entire area with the Phantoms. With two fate crystals of immense quality, the phantoms born from the advanced magic was terrifying similar to what Sen had remembered. The moment the phantoms were created, they started slaughtering the confused soldiers.

"If we do not have the numbers to make up for a fight, we create them." Sen realised the minimap interface suddenly turned into what was like the tabletop game he played before. The minimap turned horizontal instead of the bird eye view and visible physical miniature pieces appeared in front of him.

Once the area was cleared of the enemies, the goblins immediately went into groups as if they were awaiting for orders

Various miniature pieces of goblins which depicted the groups of phantom goblins were allowed to be commanded from the mini map. Sen took one of the miniature piece and move them forward in the grid and that particular formation of spear goblins moved without any verbal command given.

"User, with the initial usage of your advanced shroud magic, the System has provided means and ways for you to directly control your army and it is named the Saviour Warboard. You are able to directly give commands to your army verbally, physically moving the miniature pieces or using your thoughts to move them."

"Alternatively, you can use all three functions if you had gotten used to the Warboard. This allows you to fight your enemies while providing the necessary commands to your army at the same time."

"Amazing, simply amazing." Sen looked at the sheer size of his army that was waiting to attack at a moment's notice , awaiting the 'Ice Wave Wall' to be broken by the constant fire attack from Clan Agni.

Separately, Feng continued to cast 'Strengthen' on the 'Ice Wave Wall', creating more time for Raizan breaking the glass cage, Mailee to catch up with his brother and for Sen to create his Phantom Army.

Mailee chuckled at the combination of Shiva's chosen champion accessories allowing her to create such a massive circular ice wave wall and Feng's 'Strengthen' ability, causing much difficulty for the Clan Agni to burn the ice wall down.

Malik finally understood Mailee's intention and decided to join forces with them. He even apologised to Sen for the misunderstanding which Sen quickly acknowledged in order to get back into planning his Warboard. Not a very known fact but Sen was actually one of the best players in the tabletop tournament in his village and this Warboard function finally gave him the ability to have some control of the chaos around him.

Spear Goblins, Crossbow Archers, Goblin Wolf Riders, Hobgoblins and even the phantom of the Goblin King. The System had analysed and set the attributes as close to the originals with the given resources of two fate crystals. Sen finally set his pieces with a simple plan in mind. The spear goblins making a round circle formation protecting the party in all corners while the Goblin wolf riders waiting to pounce from behind. The Crossbow Archers are in the third layer of the circle formation providing range defence support while the Hobgoblins will rush through the formations and causing major disruptions.

"What is wrong with all of you? Are you all that weak to not able to burn down this pathetic ice wall? What have I been paying and training of all you for?" Rahul shouted angrily at the entire army with an 'Amplify' spell, allowing his message to be heard by everyone.

In the meantime, the destruction done by the giant Dune Worms worsen with every passing minute from eating Clan Agni's citizens to destroying the infrastructure of their capital city, Agni Mandir.

Chief Priest Rahul had decided to create a barrier surrounding the palace in order to preserve the remaining sanctity of the ritual and left the rest of Agni Mandir to be ravaged by the Dune Worms.

Raizan finally completed his recalibration of his spell and weaved a spell barrier around the glass cage. "This is like opening a safelock, except the contents this time are live." Raizan sweated a little before he gave the signal he was ready.

"Mailee, prepare to remove the formation of the 'Ice Wave Wall' and initiate the second part of the plan!" Sen shouted and Mailee started to her incantations.

"Part 2, Payback." Feng pumped his Saviour F870 shotgun.