Karma's a Bitch

The phantom creature slowly took shape and it was the mountain troll that Sen previously encountered in the medieval world. The troll gave out a large roar, terrifying the onlookers before taking a hold of Sen and use his might to throw Sen up to the skies.

With Sen flying upwards, Chief Priest Rahul's attention was indeed diverted to him. "Terrorist! Rebel! You shall be judged by the avatar of Agni himself!" He quickly casted a number of fireballs towards Sen's direction.

Sen did not bother to dodge, instead he summoned shroud spheres and counter attacked the fireballs. The spheres flew around like it had its own will and managed to intercept most of the incoming fireballs but it was not without any consequences. The fireballs did not dissipate with the blast. Instead, it melted the shroud sphere and with its inertia gone, one by one the fireballs fell from sky.

Some of the phantom goblins were caught from the melting falling fireball and disappeared into oblivion. Sen managed to used the Saviour Warboard in time to scatter the spearsmen away from the site while attaining more Agni warrior kills. "The power difference between that boss and me is really too high!" Sen noted that he was reaching terminal velocity at the rate he was slowing down in air.

"His a mage surrounded by many guards. He definitely have a barrier and those hobgoblins with Feng will not be able to make it through." He gritted his teeth and used another Fate Crystal from his stash. The stinginess in him never go away no matter what.

The advanced shroud magic he subsequently casted from his hand started to form layers and layers of barrier. The multiple sheets of shroud barrier slowly twirl and swirl until it form into a drill like arrow pointing towards Rahul.

Sen finally stopped moving upwards and momentarily floating in mid air. He used his body weight to direct the large phantom drill towards Rahul as gravity starts to attract him back to the ground.

The Chief Priest was not able to run due to the chaos from everywhere and the guards surrounding him were reluctant to let him move away from him. It was not because they want to protect Rahul, but Rahul's 'Holy Fire Shield Barrier' was the best protection they can ever have from the incoming shadow looking goblins and the frozen water wave.

However, it does not seem to be the case with a large and sharp looking object swooping down towards Rahul with such high velocity. Rahul panicked a little for not able to recognise the kind of magic Sen was using but he still have confidence his shield will hold.

That was what his egoistic mind was telling him, but not his feeble heart. The Chief Priest wasted even more enhanced fireballs towards Sen's Drill like object. The drill was continuing towards Rahul's direction and the fireball actually to cause it to be just on fire rather than stopping it.

Sen was enhancing the drill with his basic shroud magic by pushing in tremendous amount of magical power in repairing the drill when needed as the fireballs damaged it. Sen also summoned a few shroud spears to test the 'Holy Fire Shield Barrier.' However, as the spear touches the barrier, it burned and the shroud spears turned smoke.

"Fuck, this will be a painful attack." Sen braces himself as the drill came into contact with the shield barrier that Rahul erected. The drill gave such a large impact from the fall that it could be heard in miles. The knockback was considerable large that the hobgoblins had to stop in their tracks and put their shields down to prevent them from being flown away.

As the drill came into contact with the shield, it went into flames burning Sen along with it. Thank goodness the defensive vest that Sen wore gave him some protection against the flames but it was still burning him up badly.

"All I need is a hole! A small hole will be fine!" Sen gritted his teeth again and breathed loudly. The drill kept pushing towards the shield barrier and Rahul laughed in cold sweat. "Heretic! Unbeliever! You will suffer the wrath of Agni! You will not be allow to touch the one who serves the almighty god of Fire!" Instead of a fireball, Rahul conjured a sentient fire whip which grabbed hold of Sen's neck.

Sen burst into large flames and he screamed in pain but he did not stop the drill from moving and all he did was struggled through.

"User, a small hole big enough for your Zinger Rifle's bullet to go through has appeared." The system prompted and Sen did not hesitate.

He shafted the rifle into the hole and squeezed the trigger of the rifle in agony. A burst of black flame came out from the rifle barrel and suddenly black spikes like the roots of a giant tree spread all around within the barrier stabbing everyone.

The bullet contained the magic of Darkness with a spell of Shroud enchanted into it. The bullet was prepared by Sen before the initiation of part two of Operation 'Pushback' and Feng had also 'Strengthen' it once before use. The attack caused major injuries to all within the barrier and this caused Rahul to break the concentration of Holy Fire Shield Barrier when shroud spikes pierced into Rahul's arm.

"AHHHHH, What is this!!?" Rahul's tears appeared and whining like a baby. However, Sen was not able to continue with the attack as he fell to the ground. At this moment, an icy breeze passed through the Chief Priest before he could notice anything. A slash so swift and accurate that it barely leaves any mark on his neck.

Malik stand behind him and said "Karma's a bitch."

Mailee casted 'Misty Steps' on Malik allowing him to move quietly and invisibly around Rahul with all the distractions that Sen had created. Afterwhich, both Mailee and Feng started to emerge from the shadows of the platoon of Hobgoblins and initiated their attack.

Feng's new saviour shotgun, the F870 does wonders to a close formation to Agni guards that were protecting the Chief Priest. One shot was all the new shiny toy of Feng needed to tear an opening for Mailee to cast Ground Iceburst that lead a bigger crack in the guards' tight formation. With them being immobilised by Sen's previous Shroud scatter spike attacks, they were unable to dodge nor timely cast their spells against their new adversaries.

The guards were supposed to be the most formidable warriors in the capital Agni Mandir but they were taken by surprised again and again by the new forms of magics which they had never encountered before.

Meanwhile, multiple shadow goblin spearsmen immediately surrounded Sen to protect him. The bulk of Hobgoblins platoon kept the Chief Priest's guards occupied with the aid of Mailee and Feng. Malik continued to defend himself after he achieved the assassination from the guards to reunite himself with Mailee.

Rahul was grasping for whatever air he could take in but to no valid. Blood was already spilling out of his windpipe and from his mouth. However, he did not gave the look of horror. Rahul smiled gently as he gestured a middle finger towards Malik and his body disappeared into thin air with no trace of it.

The clear black sky with the new moon at its peak suddenly turned red and gloomy.