A Daily life of a Local Hunter

In the remote corner of the Fang empire, there is a small striving Village called South Autumn Leaf, inside it, there is a market, a blacksmith, a pharmacist, a village center, a training ground, and a bunch of stalls, every corner of every street there is a stall, whether they be selling exotic medicines, raw ores, even animal hides or organs.

South Autumn Leaf has gates, ranging from north to south, and eat, to west.

This huge populated area, having 50,000 thousand population can only be considered a small village in this huge boundless Azure Sky continent.

Every village has its own individual ranking, like a cob of web, in which villages surround a city, and every village head has to report to their specific assigned city for them to rate or ranked their village. Furthermore, like the village a city has its own ranking too, only it surrounds a capital, which is where the rankings are judged upon.

The more abundant the resources available, the higher the population, and the stronger the forces are, the higher the ranking is.

South Autumn Village ranked 1, the lowest-ranked given in the thousands of villages, giving this ranking means that the resources available in the surrounding of the are only of the mortal needs, having no resources to procure a strong cultivator or at most an apprentice(1). While the population and the forces are not too strong to actually make an impact, like a drop in an ocean or a grain of sand on the whole planet.

The soldiers, or trainees in these training grounds, are only used for militia or the security of the entire village, it does not have a war potential, and the strongest cultivator, in here Uncle Yan, is a retired soldier from the Sun kingdom of the Fang Empire, who's cultivation base is only at the master level(3).


A distance in front of the training ground lies a house, this house was once a poor, old, and broken down house, but now, the roof is neat and clean, the ceilings have no holes, the walls are strong and sturdy from any weather abound.

It is still noon, and looking inside, you would see a beautiful woman, sitting drinking her tea, and every once in a while, he would look into the training yard as if waiting for someone to return to.

In the entrance of the training yard, one could see a middle-aged person, although there are some white hairs forming on his hair, his eyes are still sharp and full of vigor and energy, one could notice that this guy is Hunter Wang.

Looking at the East gate, Hunter Wang saw a young boy, carrying in his left a huge deer almost covering the boy carrying it, but looking closely, the boy is carrying the deer effortlessly.

Hunter Wang smiled and mumbled to himself "good-boy" then, he laughing shouted "Good BOY! Hahaha!" With this, I don't have anything to teach him anymore.

Now there was a secret he never told to anybody, it was that 'at the age of 6 months, he was already surpassed by the boy.' he just never mentioned, for fear of losing face.

The boy walked closer and drop the oversize deer he was carrying in front of Hunter Wang then he smiled "I've finished it, Uncle Wang, I'm officially a hunter now right?" he asked joyfully.

"Bwhahahaha, Of course, of course, here..." Uncle Wang tossed a pouched towards the boy and said, "You earned it." Then carried the deer away to the market to sell.

After looking at the patch and seeing a badge, the boy's eyes brightened like the sun in the sky, then he happily ran towards home, took the badge, and showed it to his mom saying "MOM! I'm a hunter now! Look! Look!" excitedly.

The mother after seeing the arrival of his now 10-year-old son, smiled happily too, appreciating the achievement of his only beloved son.


After obtaining the emblem, he gave the money to his mother, then took a rest in his room.

Ever since then, the boy learned and experience hunting along with his teacher Uncle Wang, They went hunting bears, and lions together, He learned how to craft a bow, albeit simple, he learned how to Identify medicinal herbs, although common, and the once 5 months old baby, is now a grown into a 10-year-old kid.

Like before, he was now more even mindful of his surroundings, and he isn't afraid of blood, or gore anymore, in fact, he also now learns how to 'dissect animals', and throughout the years, he learned 'simple archery', 'simple swordsmanship', and gained combat experience through sparring(destroying) every trainee he encountered in the training ground.

Since then his daily routine was, wake up in the morning, Run laps around the village, until the instructors and trainees arrived, carrying weights all around which gets heavier every day, while sprinting, jumping, rolling, and doing mind combat or as he says, sparring with himself.

Then after 3 hours of doing that, he joins with the trainees to spar which further 'enrich' his combat experience, then train with archery.

After what happened to him that day, he realized that the cause of his injuries was that his body can't handle the strain of releasing 32 arrows per second, so until then, he just now stick to 2 arrows per second. Training in archery for him was fun, he tried experimenting with different stuff, like curving the arrow, rotating the bow while loading the arrow to produce a rotating arrow, try hitting 2 targets at once, he tried 4 and it felt hard, so he practiced until he got to 8, but after eight he can't control the arrows anymore, the bow is too little for 16 arrows, so he sticks to 4. Combining all of them, but the most he can do for now was 2 arrows per second while rotating or curving them and hitting different targets independently. That's what he calls 'simple archery'.

The same goes for his 'simple swordsmanship', he learned how to deflect an attack, block an attack, attack, stab, hack, he even learned how to disarm his opponent, sadly because no one can contend with him in sparring anymore, the progress of developing his 'simple swordsmanship' stagnated.

After training, he went to the forest, anywhere whether east, south, north, or west, he hunted them. He just avoided coming closer towards those powerhouses near their area.

Coming home with his catch, either by selling it to the market by himself, or through uncle wang, he went home and played with his mother, or even sometimes play with other kids outside, although it was pointless because the other kids were too weak to even play with him.

Imagine playing a game of tag, and him tagging them all within 2 seconds... that's boring.

So he only played with them sometimes, and most of the time he plays with his mother, either by cooking, cleaning the house, repairing their home, even weaving, and laundry.

After the successful hunts with Hunter Wang, he earned enough money every hunt, for their family, so he convinced his mother to stay home, and tend to a garden to heal herself.

And after 10 years, the once sickly, and pale thin mother now became a beautiful female out of nowhere.

And afterward is his daily and consistent cultivating of his Altered Basic Qi Refining Technique.

He learned how to share or control the qi in the atmosphere, sharing his refined qi with his mom every night when she's asleep, is one of the reasons why she is the most beautiful woman in the village now.