Ye Shie

Back to the present--

Immortal Realm, in the Mountain of Life and Death,

Dragon God Di Long, flying in his full capacity, escaping the pursuers behind him who radiates with thick killing Intent

"Di Long! Give us the Divine Crystal and we will spare you" shouted a black-robed person who radiates the most killing intent.

"Di Long! Stop! We can trade anything for the Divine Crystal" A fierce middle-aged man said.

"Di Long my boy! hand them the Divine Crystal!" yelled a white-robed old man

"Never! This is for the sake of my wife!" He hollered back behind him.

Looking at the pursuers eyes filled with greed except for the old man, he continued his escape.


After many hours of pursuit, Di Long finally was cornered, in front of him was his pursuers, grinning wickedly, some even laughed saying "No escape now boy~" Some cackled "kekekeke".

Only the white-robed elderly worryingly said "Give it to them, It's not worth it my child!" he tried persuading him.

Behind him, is a canyon, below the canyon is a place full of raging chaotic space, where if one fell down, one will be shredded with the violent currents, and be teleported away.

Eyeing the raging chaotic space behind him, he looked towards the White robed elderly among the crowd, eyes full determination he said "Thank you for everything Master Fan, I will not forget all the things you did for me." after that, he looked at his pursuers, raised his middle finger and cursed "F*ck you all" then jumped behind the chaotic space.

The crowd seeing him jumped, unleashed their final attacks in hopes of stopping him, alas only a portion of the attacks went near him when he was engulfed by the chaotic space.

Seeing him jump, the white robe elderly tried to stop him.

"No!" he exclaimed, eyes misty, intending to form tears, he gazed at the raging chaotic space, beneath the canyon and stood there for a long while.

"Sh!t, F*ck that bastard escaped" while strings of curses spewed among the crowd behind him.


Fang Empire of the South Star Planet,

In the peaceful and bustling Village of South Autumn Leaf, where everyone thrives to live.

The markets in a hubbub of noises showing how busy it is.

The sound of running, stomping, and clanking of metal in the training ground could not be any more clearer.

In the area in front of the training ground, lies an attractive woman, tending to her garden.

Inside her house, in the drawer of her bedroom, lies a stone, sparkling with gold, trying to break out the drawer.

Every second that passes by, the color of the stone is becoming brighter and thicker, along with its force in breaking out.

Hearing the commotion in her bedroom, the beautiful lady, went up to investigate.

As soon as she opened the door, a shiny gold object hurled towards her, enveloping her body.

And when the light finally cleared out, the place where once a beautiful woman stood is now empty.


After a minute pass by, the bustling and lively village froze.

Every person, whatever chore they were doing, was suspended in time, whether they are training in the training grounds, or walking in the street, everybody stilled and froze in place.

Silence lingered for a second, until.


The space above the village broke, the sky shattered like broken glass.

As soon as space began to repair itself, something fell down the broken space, if one look closely, one would see a body, blood, and gore in its skin, bones, and organs can be seen, scintillating lights surrounding it.

And as soon as the body fell to the ground in the center of the village.


After a while of silence.




In the circumference of 100 kilometers, with the body at its center, Everything was obliterated to dust. Like how a nuclear explosion would occur, except this time, it was silent.

After 2 seconds of silence, the sound of explosions could be heard


For a whole minute, the explosion continued.

*BOOM!! *BOOM!!! *BOOM!!!!!

After the final explosion, the dust slowly cleared, and in what was once a lively and bustling place, lies a crater 5 kilometers deep.


In the distant south forest, a boy and 10-foot python are engaging in 'deadly combat'.

The python from time to time would spit out its venom towards the boy, fast like an arrow.

The boy like a leaf would avoid the venom of the python agilely.

As if playing with the python, the boy from time to time would dodge playfully, occasionally he only used his one hand, sometimes one foot, tumbling around acrobatically, and every now and then he would pick a herb in the vicinity while still 'battling' with the python.

Furious by the action of the boy, the python slithered closer, using its tail as a spear, it stabbed it towards the boy, in which the boy dodged easily.

After a minute of their 'intense battle,' an explosion was heard in the distance.


Continuing on for a minute.

It startled both of them causing them to stop.

The boy looking at his village direction frowned thinking 'Is it festival already? I thought that was next month? Damn! I miss the fireworks!'

The python seeing the boy engrossed in his thought, the python gnawed the boy's head thinking 'Foolish Human! DIE!!'.

But unexpectedly, as soon as the python went within an arm's length of the boy. The boys head dodge sideways while forming a spear with his finger stabbing the python below its head, penetrating its brain.

The boy, shocked by his and the python's action exclaimed in shock, "What the!" feeling the warmth leaving its body and the softness inside the python as blood and brain matter gushed out he screamed "Argh!! YUCK!"

Removing his arm inside the 10-foot python, he stood in silence, wondering as to what happened earlier, 'hmm, my body just moved on its own? Instinct?' (GOKU!!) he contemplated for a bit, then went to rub the dirt all over his body.

Folding the 10-foot python and carrying it on his shoulders, he went to return to his village.

Never expecting the incident that has befallen.