Now tell me? Who's the kid?

Xiao City, Xiao Manor,

Yesterday, after Principal Hao ditch the Xiao City Lord, Xiao Bai, Ye Shie finally woke up, but alas, remembering the tragic experience of knowing that his mother, his uncles, and his village were now a massive crater, he cried.

And because of the commotion in the bedroom, the City Lords Wife, Xiao Mei, came and comforted Ye Shie, after many hours of grieving he finally fell asleep due to exhaustion.

After laying the Ye Shie in the bed, the duo went to their Bedroom.

Xiao Mei closed the door forcefully


Then she locked it.

City Lord Xiao Bai, hearing the Banging sound, became tense, feeling the tingling sensation of deadly crisis climbing up his spine, he perspired.

Gulping "Ho-" he was about to explain when

"Sit down" a cold and icy voice permeated, causing City Lord Xiao to sit down on the ground, obediently like a puppet.

Still sweating nervously, he looked at his beautiful wife, a young and attractive face, with cherry red lips, a body with the curves in the proper place, a shining scarlet hair having the same color as his, but noticing the glare from those crystal clear eyes he remained silent.

"So Bai? Tell me? Who's the Kid?" A glint of murderous intent can be seen on the corner of her eyes, as if ready to perform a blood bath.

"Be careful of your explanation or something will be castrated today" saying it calmly, she sat down on the bed, with his kneeling husband in front of her.

If this scene were to be known in public, that the Strict and powerful City Lord is now Kneeling in front of his wife, his reputation would plummet down the drainage, and he would become the laughing stock of the entire Xiao City. Luckily for him, they are in their room.

"Honey..." gulping he continued "Both Principal and I went to the South Autumn Village, for the local forces their sent distress signals." then City Lord Xiao explained everything carefully, afterward he additionally said "I, really didn't cheat on you my love, you know I can't do it" he tried to stand up to touch his wife when-

"Sit!, let me think about it" after contemplating for a bit she asked, "What do you plan to do with the kid?"

Xiao Bai who tried to stand up but suddenly ordered to sit down smiled wryly, listening to his wife he said "I plan to adopt him, both Principal Hao and I noticed the potential this kid could become, and besides I feel pity for the kid, his village destroyed abruptly, without any reason why, so he should be devastated right now" slowly, the atmosphere turned serious, he stood up and sat beside his wife "Honey, will you take care of him for me?" looking at his wife's eyes with those puppy eyes, he pleaded.

Xiao Mei after listening to the whole story, also felt pity for the 10-year-old child, seeing him cry his grief out earlier in her embrace, she couldn't help but felt love for the child, after thinking for a bit she exclaimed "Ahh!! Screw it!! We already have that mischievous brat!! another one won't matter!"

Hearing this, Xiao Bai sighed in relief "Thank you, honey," then he went closer, held her hands, and whispered in her ear "Can we make another one right now?"

Feeling the breath and whisper in her ear, Xiao Mei's face flushed, noticing that she didn't disagree, the City Lord Advances!



Back to the present,

After both kids calmed down, Xiao Mei ordered their servants to prepare snacks in the dining room.

While walking towards the dining room.

"Hey~ Hey~ Ye Shie? C'mon, tell me that magic trick!" Xiao Rou continued to pester

"Eh? What Magic Trick?" Ye Shie confusingly asked.

"You know! That magic trick when you change your face!" Xiao Rou happily replied

"Eh! but-" Ye Shie hesitated

"No buts! You'll teach it to me right?..." "I may not look like one, but I'm a genius alright!" Xiao Rou puffed her nonexistent chest out.

"But why?" Ye shie asked

"Well..." arranging her thoughts she continued "There's this annoying guy I know! He always pesters me and keeps saying "Your so beautiful Xiao Rou, I'll marry you when we grow up, blah blah blah!" its so annoying! I hate it!" She annoyingly said

"Like what you're doing right now?" Ye Shie mischievously asked

"Ye-- Hey! If you don't want to, I won't force you! Hmph!" With that, she turned away and walked faster towards the dining room.

Seeing that both of her daughter and Ye shie 'getting along well' she smiled.


In the afternoon, at the dining room of the Xiao City Lords Manor

Ye Shie for the first time, after seeing many different colorful and appetizing food on the table, couldn't help but drool, Xiao Rou noticing him drool she laughed!

"Bwhahahahahahaha, first a cry baby, now a dribbler hahaha" Xiao Rou mocked, making sure of gulping the drool she's making.

After being laughed at, Ye Shie woke up from his stupor.

Looking at Xiao Rou, he couldn't help but sneer, "Tsh, then what are you gulping at then?"

Xiao Rou tried opening her mouth to explain, but no words came out of her mouth, so she stood there dumbfounded.

"Alright, that's enough let sit down and eat," said Xiao Mei

"I'll get back to you on that one," said Xiao Rou unhappily, while taking a seat.

After the two took a seat, they notice Ye Shie standing, in a daze.

"Ye Shie my dear? what's wrong?" Xiao Mei asked worriedly.

"What? the drool filled your brain, and now you can't move?" Xiao Rou mocked.

Ye Shie, who was about to fell into despair again, after remembering the table, where both he and her mother dine, was now awake due to Xiao Rou's mocking.

"I-its nothing miss" she timidly said towards Xiao Mei, taking a seat while glaring towards Xiao Rou, who replied by sticking her tongue out mockingly.

After the meal, both the children's stomach was fully rounded.

If one can see the table right now, the once and appetizing table filled with colorful and appetizing food was now devastated like a category 5 hurricane went through it.

Xiao Mei, noticing the kids relieved and contented expression, talked

"Xiao Rou, since you are already 10 years old this year, it's now time for you to start learning the proper etiquette and table manners a lady should have" she sternly said

Xiao Rou hearing this tried to protest

"No buts! Every noble has to go through with it, or don't tell me that you wanted to shame the Xiao family's name?" her mother heavily asked

"N-no mother" Xiao Rou meekly replied, looking towards Ye Shie, she noticed the gloating smile on his face.

Gritting her teeth she declared "Mom! Ye Shie wanted to join too!"

Hearing this, Ye Shie panicked and tried to protest, but alas

"That's Great! both of you can learn together! Great!" seeing Miss Xiao Mei's happy and excited expression, Ye Shie while clenching his fist, swallowed his protest, then he glared at Xiao Rou, only to see her Triumphant smile as if saying 'Serves you right'

"Starting tomorrow, we will hire an instructor for the both of you to learn from, I'll tell you father immediately" Smiling Xiao Mei walked away.

"Y-you! you evil woman!" Ye Shie stood up, pointing towards Xiao Rou

Xiao Rou sipped her tea calmly as if hearing nothing, then she glanced at Ye Shie then she scoffed "Hmph, pathetic"

"Y-YOU!!" left with no choice, Ye Shie plunged towards Xiao Rou to pinch her side, only for the two of them to crashed towards the ground.

Xiao Rou not expecting Ye Shie to attack defenselessly fell together with him.

You know when humans fall or trip they close their eyes unconsciously?


Slowly waking up, Ye Shie noticed something was wrong, feeling the tender and warm sensation in his lips he frowned.

The same as with Xiao Rou, after Ye Shie plunged towards her, everything went dark, after feeling the hard floor behind her and feeling someone gripping her arms, and the also warm and tender sensation on her lips,

Both of them abruptly opened their eyes at the same time!

Seeing Xiao Rou, reddish eyes, up so closed Ye Shie blanked for a bit, then sat right up, seeing Xiao Rou below him, he smiled

"What are you now, weakling?" Ye Shie ridiculed, still on top of her, holding her arms away.

Xiao Rou in a daze, after being absorbed by that soft and warm feeling on her lips and by that black and magnetizing eyes, woke up from Ye Shie's ridicule.

Noticing her situation, she tried to break her arms free, after resisting for a bit, she realized she can't get away from Ye Shie's grip.

After seeing Ye Shie's smile of ridicule, and being held down like this, the rims of her eyes started reddening.


"Whaaa!! Ye Shie you bully!" She shrieked!" Whaaa!" tears and snot flying she continued

Ye Shie, still on top, saw Xiao Rou cried, panicking he let go, and retreated.

Xiao Rou after gaining freedom lunged towards the defenseless and panicking Ye Shie.

Mounting on top of him, Xiao Rou started beating our poor little Ye Shie, while saying "How dare you steal my first kiss! That was for my prince charming!"

After beating him continuously for 1 minute, the once, teary and crying face was slowly filled with a victorious and contented smile.