Ask and you shall Receive

At the library, sitting on a table, on the left side is an black haired, black robed elderly with his fit physique, and his stern and strict demeanor. The right side sat 2, 10 year old kids, the one on sitting on the right a boy who has a rosy and healthy complexion with his ordinary 'not too handsome, and not too ugly face', while the one on the left is a girl who has a tired and exhausted aura, but with the face of an angel.

The one on the left glared on the right, while the other looked at her in confusion thinking 'Why is she so upset? She's the one who barged in my bed last night! Tsk! really a dem--'.

He stopped thinking when he felt the Killing intent from her.

Scholar Li seeing the two of them early in the morning bickering, frowned.

"What happened between the two of you last night?" He asked curiously,

Hearing that question, the boy on the left sat in daze while the girl on the right blushed.

As if understanding something, Scholar Li grinned. Sighing he though 'kids these days, so energetic'. In this world, the legal age for marriage is 15, and it was an unspoken rule that, many copulates starting at the age of 12, but you know, there are some exceptions.

The one who broke the silence was the boy on the left.

"Uncle Li! I have a question, with regards to cultivation!" hurriedly he asked.

Signalling him to stop Scholar Li said sternly "Nope, the schedule in the morning is noble etiquette, general geography, and knowing the several power-houses. The cultivation is in the afternoon" he continued "That's what was agreed upon by both of your parents"

"B-but I'm adopted!" Ye Shie protested, dismayed at holding his question back, afraid that he might forget it.

Scholar Li stared, dumbfounded, there was silence for a while until a "No!" came from him.

At through all of this, Xiao Rou who was beside Ye Shie, was still blushing, looking down, thinking of things a 10 year old girl does.


"As discussed yesterday, In this planet, although there are a lot of people who suggested different names, but the mostly agreed upon name is South Star Planet."

Raising his hands Ye Shie asked "So uncle Li? If there is a South in the South Star Planet, shouldn't there also be north? and east? and west?"

"It was a legend from long ago, in the annals of histories, there were some individuals who broke the shackles of Heavenly Realm, and went up towards the stars." hearing up to this point, the dismayed eyes of Ye Shie slowly sparkled thinking 'Whaaw~ flew towards the stars! How cool!' " That individual said, that there also 3 other planets orbiting around the sun, having the same size as ours, ever since then, the name South Star Planet was born and was popularly famous and acceptable."

"Whoaa~ That's Cool!..." contemplating for a bit Ye Shie asked again "Uncle Li?! If Mortal Realm has stages and levels, Does Heavenly Realm have it too?!" he asked curiously, eyes sparkling.

"Yes after breaking through the shackles of Mortal Realm a cultivator will start to find ways to nourish his soul, either by Dao seeking, Heavenly Refining Techniques or situations of life and-" Scholar Li stopped, realizing that he got carried around, sighing he helplessly said "death, alright kid! what do you want to ask?"

Seeing that Scholar Li now finally ready to answer his questions he held nothing back.

"Uncle~ Yesterday you said that Qi's have different levels, according to the Mortal Realm Stages, a Regular Qi for Apprentices, Essence Qi for Adepts, Aura Qi for Masters, Liquid Qi for Grand Masters and Solid Qi for Experts" recalling everything excitedly he continued "Now, Uncle Li! My question is how does one know the difference between these qi's? specially from the Apprentice to Adept stages?"

Scholar Li nodded, contended to know that Ye Shie listened to his lesson yesterday.

"Hmm" after contemplating a bit "It depends on the technique, I forgot to mention yesterday, a cultivator can only start his cultivation journey with the help of a Mortal Realm Refining Techniques."

Ye Shie nodded, urging Scolar Li to continue with his sparkling eyes.

"These techniques are also divided accordingly through their effects; based on, The Stages it supports, Purity of Qi, and Controllability of Qi.

There are 5 types to these techniques;

The mortal type(1) can be cultivated up to Master Stage; purity of 30% and has a dark grey color; requires heavy on control."

Hearing up to here Ye Shie frowned the sparkles disappeared.

"The spirit type(2) can be cultivated up to Grand Master Stage; purity up to 40% and has a grayish color; requires moderate control."

In here Ye Shie gritted his teeth.

"The profound type(3) can be cultivated up to Expert Stage; with the purity of 50% and has a light grays color; requires light control."

Up to here, Ye Shie sweated on his back.

"The perfect type(4) can be cultivated up to Expert Stage and has white grey ; purity of 80%; requires very light control."

In here Ye Shie's eyes went dark for a moment.

Scholar Li's eyes went dazed for a moment, looking at the horizon, he gloomily continued

"And the last and the best, but nonexistent type:

The Divine type; according to the legends it can be cultivated up unto the peak realm of Heavenly Stages; purifies the Qi first for a 100% purity when it enters the body has a white color; required the thought to control it, and the legends also states that, if one cultivates this type of technique one, will surely have a smooth ride at cultivation.

Sadly, no matter how much us cultivators searched, since the founding of the Fang empire, we could not find a single Divine type technique, only records of it possessed by the freaks of natures from the past." After speaking all of those, Scholar Li sighed.

But up to here, Ye Shie fainted.

Xiao Rou woke up from her daydream when Ye Shie fainted on her legs, and Scholar Li woke up from his sadness, when he saw Ye Shie fainted sideways.