A new life Indeed

Xiao City, City Lords Manor, 2nd floor bedroom

When the sun peeked out from horizon, both the handsome Ye Shie and the beautiful Xiao Rou woke up.

If one could see them now, they would think they are both a lovely couple who cuddled to sleep in this soft and fluffy bed.

With both of them seeing each other's face and eyes so close in the morning, specially remembering what happened last night, they hurriedly backed away from each other's embrace.

'I pretty much remembered that I lied down at the side of the bed! How did I ended up embracing him in the morning?!' Xiao Rou did everything in her power to remember but alas, after she slept nothing was remembered.

'Was what happened last night all a dream?' Ye Shie wondered, he looked at the flustered Xiao Rou and asked "Rou? Thank you again."

He stood up, and walked out the bedroom and stopped at the, he looked back to her and said "Let's eat" smiling he went towards the dining room.

Seeing Ye Shie smiled towards her, she sat there, in daze thinking 'Wake up Xiao Rou! He's not your Prince Charming!' patting her cheeks she followed.


In the dinning room at breakfast, at the grand table filled with appetizing and colorful food, Xiao Rou and Ye Shie sat on the right side, While the Xiao Couples sat on the left.

Xiao Mei teasingly asked her husband with a loud and clear voice saying "Husband? How was last night!" and his husband shamelessly replied "It was great!" with a joyful voice.

Looking at the two flustered child in front of them, they both laugh heartily.


At the library,

"What's wrong?" Seeing Ye Shie looking at the horizon in daze, and Xiao Rou looking at him in daze, Scholar Li asked.

"Uncle Li, What does a golden Qi means?"

"Hmm...let me think" after contemplating a while he said "A golden Qi, according to what I remembered in the records, is called, Universal Qi, legend said, that universal Qi can heal any sickness or injury, be it the body or the soul. It also states that Universal Qi, are the purest form of Qi. Why you ask?"

Hearing that, Ye Shie hurriedly waved his hand and said, "N-nothing, hahaha just curious, just curious."

Xiao Rou, upon hearing their conversation, looked at Ye Shie in shock! 'Isn't that the color of his Qi?!' noticing the stare from Xiao Rou, Ye Shie said "What? is there a fly on my face?" He rubbed his face checking.

"Nothing" She looked down silent with her own thoughts.

"You kids, are really weird, Alright let's begin"



"Fang Empire consists of 1 9th ranked capital; The Imperial City.

4 ranked 8th Cities governed by, the Heaven Sword Sect, Alchemist Association, Black Refining Tower and Heavenly Paradise City.

54 ranked 7th Cities, governed by many different kingdoms, Shen Zhou Kingdom, Wang Lou kingdom, Feng Mo Kingdom, Sun Bat Kingdom...

124 ranked 6th Cities,...

256 ranked 5th Cities, and that includes the Xiao City...

503 ranked 4th Cities,...

1002 ranked 3rd Villages....

2005 ranked 2nd Villages....

and 4065 and counting ranked 1st villages...

The full list and copies are in this book, you need to memorize and study it, for I will conduct an examination every month, to know if you are properly learning."

After hearing the 1st ranked villages, Ye Shie couldn't help but be sentimental.

'It's over now, I could not do anything about, I should just be happy that I'm alive and enjoy what this world has to offer' Ye Shie's eyes became determined, with Xiao Rou looking at him worriedly.

Scholar Li, walked away saying, "Study this book, and if you have any questions. You can find me in the dining room"

After Scholar Li exited

Xiao Rou asked "Shie? are you okay?"

Ye Shie's body stiffens, he looked at Xiao Rou and said "I'm fine,..." hesitant, he gritted his teeth and said "Rou-Rou? Did you eat something wrong this morning?" that was met by a glaring Xiao Rou, who pinched his side, that causes "HIIEEK!!" him to shriek.


Dining Room,

Same as yesterday, Scholar Li, taught them how to elegantly eat, and courteously move like a how a noble would.

Although their actions were a bit stiff, but signs of elegance can be spotted occasionally.



At the garden,

"Uncle Li? Why change the area?" tilting his head Ye Shie asked.

"Hehe, It's because from now on, with the addition of learning Theoretical knowledge, you should also learn from experience.

In cultivation world, the 3 most important things to remember is,

Cultivation Base,

Combat Experience,

And Combat Techniques."

The duo, stood there mumbling "Cultivation Base, Combat Experience, and Combat Techniques."

"Cultivation Base, means that you should always try your best in finding the optimized method to improve it. Because in the cultivation world, resources are finite, and the more higher your cultivation base is, the stronger you are, and the more resources you can get.

Combat Experience, speaks for itself, Imagine both adults one trained in the sword for 1 year, while the other trained for 10 years, who would you think will win? The Higher the Combat Experience is, the easier it is to Win a fight, and that is very common in this Cultivation World.

Combat Techniques, are like amplifiers, they amplify your power, lets say, a punch has a 50 kilogram force in it, and with techniques you can amplify that power maybe, doubling it, or tripling it, depending on the type of technique you are using."

The Duo stood in daze, absorbing and digesting the information that was given.


After a moment the duo finally woke up.

"Uncle Li? So what you're saying is...?" Both Ye Shie and Xiao Rou looked at each other and exclaimed joyfully "Physical Training?!".

After celebrating for a while Ye Shie asked Scholar Li again "Uncle Li? You said, types of Techniques? what are does?"

"In this world, there are many classes of combat techniques, they can be sword techniques, saber techniques, fist techniques, and many more. It's divided according to how it amplifies the users power. Like the types of refining technique, the Combat techniques starts from;

Mortal Types, amplifies the power by 100%

Spirit Types, amplifies the power by 200%

Profound Types, amplifies the power by 300%

Perfect Types, amplifies the power by 500%"

Scholar Li stopped and looked at the shining eyes of Ye Shie,

Xiao Rou on the side already knew of these for her father told so, but like Ye Shie, she also couldn't help but be excited too.

"And the Divine Types that amplifies the users power by 1000%

Although amplifying the power is great, the energy it requires is dependent on the power it amplifies. So when you use a perfect type combat technique, you would also need to power it with you energy 500% more, depending on the mastery."

"The higher the mastery is, the lesser the energy needed."

"Ohhh~" Both of them awed in understanding.

After a while

Ye Shie frowned 'Wait a minute....then what level is my archery now?' trembling inwards, he looked at the bright and clear sky, sighing he said "What a beautiful sky we have today."